Edeia of the Month

The Edeia/Fusion of the Month is simply an invitation for all of you to draw the featured Edeia! Something nice to do, if you're in the giving spirit. It could be something simple or not, but be sure to tag the owner if you do make anything. You can also submit to the Events dA group folder.

Edeia of the Month: Ixer

Owner:  CommitMe
dA Listing | TH Profile

Name: Ixer
Idea: Fixation
Gender: -
Pronouns: -
Masterlist: #50

Fusion of the Month: Enigmatia

Fusion between Otherness and Ciar

Owner:  Stelace

Name: Enigmatia
Pronouns: they/them
Fusion Masterlist: #101

A fusion born from shared curiosity and as a means to recalibrate boundaries, Enigmatia is the combination of the “human” Ciar and the Edeia of Otherness. The two met once due to a unique pull towards the strange and the outcast, and from there an unusual friendship was planted. Once became twice, became thrice, became many more, and over the years they became confidants in their particular brand of oddity and, well, otherness.

The fusion themself is something of an enigma, preferring to observe from the distance and take mental notes. They also tend to unconsciously distort the area around them to something more unconventional (and usually with a lot more eyes), but they mean no harm. They simply desire to witness the fluid boundaries of the acceptable, not-quite acceptable, and the unacceptable at play, along with its associated quirks and peculiarities.

Art/Design by Stelace

About Edeia/Fusion/Fission of the Month

The Edeia of the Month and Fusion/Fission of the Month is mostly a monthly appreciation of an Edeia and a fusion or fission; others are welcome to draw gift art for them. One thing you might consider is drawing the Edeia and/or Fusion/Fission of the Month for your prompt!

The Edeia is generally chosen from all the Edeia in the ML with the help of a random number generator.  All Edeia, fusions, and fissions are automatically eligible if they have a valid entry on the ML; fusions and fissions marked as "incomplete" are not valid. 

The feature must be accepted by the owner and can be turned down. If a response is not received after two days, someone else will be picked. The owner can make some notes about permissions/preferences/etc. for if any gift art is made for their character. 

Previous Features

See past features here