Monthly Prompts

Welcome to the monthly prompts page! Here you will find art/writing prompts to jog your creativity, if you wish to partake of them.

One new prompt is provided each month. You will receive a Figment for each prompt you complete, which can be used for purchasing various rewards. 

You may use the community Edeia, Identity, if you wish. 

Standard Requirements

Most prompts have similar requirements. Unless otherwise specified, these requirements apply to all monthly prompts. 

Design Prompt:

Art Prompt:

Writing Prompt: 

July 2024 Prompt: Entanglements

7/1/24 - 8/31/24 11:59pm ET

"Why are you doing this?"
"Well, of course, it's fun. Don't forget, you've agreed to everything. You can leave at any time."
"Haha. I thought as much. Until you're able to cast me aside and stand on your own two feet - for as long as you need me to become yourself - I'll use you, and you'll use me."

Self and Liam, one of Self's "collected" people who self "helps." 

Edeia may encounter all sorts of individuals throughout their lives. What kinds of significant relationships have they had with mundane individuals and other non-Edeia? 

In this prompt's context, a "significant" relationship involves a longer-term connection as opposed to just one or a few meetings, with one or both of them having a notable impact on the other's life. The connection does not need to be positive and can be unbalanced, though there should be some kind of effort to create and/or maintain the relationship on both sides.  

If your Edeia has a significant relationship with a non-Edeia who later becomes an Edeia, that is permissible to use for this prompt, but you should focus on the relationship while one of them is not an Edeia. 

Design Prompt:
Design a non-Edeia, or a previous form of an Edeia who had a significant relationship with an Edeia before their Actualization. Please briefly explain the relationship. 

Art Prompt:
Create artwork featuring your Edeia interacting with a non-Edeia with whom they have some kind of significant relationship. Please include a blurb that indicates what kind of relationship they have. 

Writing Prompt:
Create writing featuring your Edeia interacting with a non-Edeia with whom they have some kind of significant relationship.

June 2024 Prompt: Show Your Colors

6/5/24 - 8/5/24 11:59pm ET

"Friend, let me tell you of the lives I've lived with the names I've held! Perhaps you'd understand more than most the delight of existing with several names that are all "true" in their own way. If you'd like, I could even give you one to keep."

Names to Elsyne, early in their friendship. 

Edeia are incredibly diverse, vibrant beings, showcasing traits and aspects that may be regarded as beyond what is common and "normal." How might they present their more unique traits to others? Who would they "show their colors" to - other Edeia, mundane individuals, close friends? Did they have others help them express themselves more freely? 

"More unique traits" could include a wide variety of traits, such as gender, romantic and sexual orientation, traits often considered "neurodivergent," personality quirks, uncommon hobbies, and more.  Generally, these should be traits that are more psychological, relating to their personality, lifestyle, and other internal feelings.

Art Prompt 1 - Interactions:
Create artwork featuring your Edeia (or their previous form) presenting their more unique traits to others, interacting with those who they are comfortable displaying these traits around, or learning how to express themselves with others. This prompt requires a character interaction. Please include a brief blurb explanation. 

Art Prompt 2 - Expression:
Create artwork of your Edeia expressing their more unique traits. This could involve engaging in their uncommon hobby, demonstrating their more unique personality traits, etc. Please include a brief blurb explanation.

Writing Prompt:
Write about your Edeia expressing their more unique traits with others or in public. 

Figment Store

Prompt rewards are based on how many prompts you complete. Each prompt fill will give one Figment ♦, which acts as currency for the Figment Store. Prompt submissions, earned figments, and spending is tracked in a spreadsheet; you do not have to keep track of it on your own and you can see your balance here. It can also be seen below. 

Inspiration ✧, which is earned by completing NPC prompts, can be used to replace Figments. A custom will require at least one Inspiration; e.g. 9 Figments and 1 Inspiration. Additionally, Inspiration can be used to "stack" customs, Notions, and MYOs for a special trait Edeia. For instance: 

Rewards for Purchase

The following rewards can be purchased using Figments. 

Variable  | Edeia Artwork

An Edeia artwork commission. Refer to my commission info for options and pricing; each figment is equivalent to 10 USD of payment. 

1 ♦  | 10 USD Discount

A 10 USD discount for any Edeia-related transaction, including customs, notions, special trait fees, and adopts. Cannot stack. 

3  | Fission Trait (One per person)

Add a fission trait (two parts) to any of your Edeia. All prerequisites and requirements apply; you must send a conceptualization form. You are welcome to ask questions before official submission. If you are designing them yourself, please submit alongside the fission designs. The trait will only be official once the designs are done. 

3  | MYO Slot 

A general MYO Edeia slot

5  | Edeia Speedpaint

A free Edeia painting, one subject, in any rough style. Can upgrade to a polished style for 1 ♦.  May be anywhere from headshot to fullbody depending on complexity and specifications. 

5  | Notion Slot

A notion Edeia slot. One additional customization can be requested for 1 ♦ (see slot info for details). 

9 ♦ + 1 ✧  | Custom Design

You may pick one of the following: 

In all cases, I may charge additional Figments for higher complexity. 

Late Policy

Late pardons can only be granted by me, Auspice, but mods can leave an entry to be pending until I am available to decide whether or not to pardon the late submission. 

Full pardons by Auspice have no consequences, but they will generally only be made for slight lateness (up to around 5 or 10 minutes) and/or unanticipated complications such as technical difficulties. 

There is also a system of late-hours. Every three prompts you complete you get one "late-hour," which will be included on the Figment inventory spreadsheet.  If you turn in a submission late, it can be up to one hour and it expends that entire late-hour. Late-hours can be stacked and expended all at once. Mods can accept the usage of late-hours and mark usage in the "Used Late-Hours" column. 

Prompt Passes

Prompt passes can be used to complete any existing monthly prompt at any time. They are tracked in the inventory as well. Currently, you can get prompt passes from completing Development Prompts, and from completing an artwork as a backup artist for an art train in the Edeia Discord Server. 

Previous Prompts

Past prompts can be seen here.