Edeiology is the study of Edeia's abilities, life cycle, and overarching metaphysical traits. Edeia "biology," if you will.
Edeia are pure energy beings composed of idea magic. They require no sustenance to live, do not age, and cannot be killed, though it is possible for their existence to end through dissociation.
They are typically tangible in how they interact with the world. They do exert contact force and feel solid, but this is due to their magic and energy as opposed to actual matter interactions. They can alter whether they are solid or not, and even alter whether they are visible or not - though some may be better at it than others.
One important point about Edeia is that they are who they want to be, or if some big change occurred that would change their identity (since they become their "true self" at the moment of Actualization, though this "true self" can be mutable), they are at least transitioning to who they want to be. If they have an existence they fundamentally do not want, the nature of their existence will change to reflect that desire.
Table of Contents
Idea Magic
Idea magic is the magic of Edeia, magic that comes from the power of ideas. One must first acquire or have an Idea and then develop their affinity to it to eventually Actualize into an Edeia.
Approximately 10% of the human population native to the world of Ideation is capable of idea magic. Some are born with their Idea, and some develop one through strong affinity to an abstract concept. Some are granted an Idea, or the potential to develop one, by Ideation.
Every Idea can manifest differently, so it can be difficult to define any common patterns in the magic. Before Actualization, the magic is considerably weaker and the ability to manipulate energy is limited.
How powerful idea magic is is determined by how strong one's affinity to the Idea is, and the interpretation of the Idea. The most unique aspect of the idea magic system as opposed to other systems is that one's perception of the Idea can greatly determine its capabilities. The general rule of thumb is: if you can imagine it to be so, it can be so. (But you can always run character abilities by Auspice first, if you like.)
An important note: one needs not to personally experience the idea in order to have a high affinity to it. For example, Malice is not malicious but strongly identifies as the concept of malice itself.
Idea Ability Guidelines
Generally, anything that you can imagine as related to the Edeia's Idea and identity could fit. However, there are a few caveats to keep in mind.
Against other Edeia / Idea Magic. Idea magic effects tend to only ever be partially effective on other Edeia, unless the subject Edeia deliberately chooses to welcome the full effect. You may describe an ability as having an absolute effect, but please keep in mind that it is only absolute for mundane/non-Edeia beings who have no magical ability to resist. For Directly Oppositional Abilities - there are times when the effects of Idea magic may have opposite or opposing effects. This often ends up being a matter of whose willpower is stronger and/or who cares more about the result. As a meta note, these opposing cases can be discussed between owners to determine what the results could be - and they could change depending on the situation. Other sorts of edge cases and unusual circumstances with Edeia could also be discussed.
In Abstractions, the Edeia the Abstraction belongs to has a significant "advantage" - the very dimension is a reflection of the Edeia. Only the host Edeia can truly metaphysically manipulate the reality of that space, and define the rules. A visiting Edeia does not have no chance of resisting various effects, but it would be much more difficult for them if conflict arose.
In personal dimensions and other magical areas created or shaped by an Edeia, the situation can depend on how closely and actively linked those dimensions are to the Edeia. If the area is something an Edeia creates and no longer has any connection with besides having created it, the space is fairly neutral. If the creator Edeia continued to visit, maintain, and/or shape it, the area provides advantage to that Edeia. Nonetheless, it is something open to imagination and interpretation of circumstances.
Other Ideas being utilized in an Edeia. There are some circumstances in which an Edeia may be able to use the Idea and associated abilities of another Edeia or a non-Actualized individual, such as by mimicking the ability. There are some things to keep in mind, however:
An Idea cannot be "stolen" from an Edeia, though their abilities can temporarily be suppressed and/or copied. It is encouraged to have some conditions (such as how Ki and Ro need access to contrasting Ideas in order to copy Ideas) or limitations (time limit, only partial copying, etc.). It may be possible to "steal" an Idea from a non-Actualized individual, but this is generally still not permanent, as it is a facet of their being; this may manifest as them losing touch with their Idea for that time and losing their associated magical abilities. The emptiness in them may lead to introspection and re-formation of their identity, which remanifests/returns their Idea to them.
It is discouraged to have other specific Ideas be permanently part of an Edeia's magic. However, if you feel that this is crucial to the character, then please keep in mind a few things: the Ideas should either be not explicitly stated and/or not on the Edeia Masterlist, unless you have the explicit permission of the owner of the Edeia with the existing Idea to use that Idea for your Edeia character permanently. You also do not have any claim to the Ideas that are used and Edeia can be made from them, but the new owner of the Edeia with that Idea cannot demand that you remove that Idea.
Omniscience. Generally, abilities involving omniscience or something similar can access indisputable facts about the universe(s) and world(s) without difficulty. That said, there may be barriers when it comes to personal knowledge. For general Edeia, there may simply be resistance to gaining personal information about them from them, leading to fragmented or incomplete information. For those who specifically have magic to obfuscate/hide information, that should be discussed if you wish it to be addressed - an Edeia truly committed to keeping their personal information private will likely have it so, going so far as to make it inaccessible even from other sources.
Alternate Timelines. Abilities that span timelines are very rare, and should be clearly linked to the Idea. While alternate timelines have a purpose of opening up more possibilities of backstories, they do also serve a purpose of having independent stories that have minimal interference with each other - too much mixing can make that difficult.
Souls and Sentience. I would prefer that Idea magic is not able to directly create souls. However, they can catalyze the development of one. It is possible for Edeia to grant sentience, though this is also not common and should also be directly relevant to the Idea. There is a difference between gaining sentience and gaining a soul; a being that gains sentience could develop a soul as they develop their own will. An individual with sentience and no soul could be able to process sensations, some emotions, and experiences, but tend to almost follow some sort of "program" rather than having a mutable self-determined will, and may be lacking in certain aspects of individuality. Those with souls can find and change who they are, transform themselves metaphorically and metaphysically. Consciousness essentially grants sentience, and as the newly sentient being processes all their experiences they may gain their own will and their soul develops as a natural process. Ego can influence a sentient, soulless individual to develop a will, which could speed the whole process along.
Fourth Wall. I do not wish to make the Edeia universe canonically and with absolute certainty a creation of us in this world. There can be a universe that just so happens to have us describing and "creating" these characters, and our decisions seem to reflect in their reality - but canonically, the causation cannot be absolutely determined. Are we actually defining these beings, or is there some other metaphysical force that unites these realities in such a way? Mechanically speaking, it's still the same as breaking the fourth wall, but I just am not too keen on a canonical fourth wall. An Edeia with this sort of ability can choose to interpret this as "breaking the fourth wall," though.
Idea Development
Any sentient individual in world of Ideation can spontaneously develop an Idea and thus use Idea magic. This includes humans, of course, but also all sorts of animals and even occasionally plants / other flora (who may have some budding sentience due to various influences). Extradimensional individuals become able to develop an Idea by proximity to fragments of Ideation. However, this is a rare occurrence, and Consciousness is not always fused with Concept to form Ideation. Typically, extradimensional individuals must be directly given an Idea by Ideation.
An Edeia's Idea does not come with a name - it is up to the Edeia to decide what to call it (and put as their Idea in the Registry during the age of reunion). Though, to be fair, if an individual has a strong connection to a concept, they generally know what it is called.
Those who develop an Idea also develop human adult-level or higher levels of cognizance and intelligence over time; it is possible for very young ideated individuals to have adult-level intelligence and maturity, though this is not common.
An Idea can shift over time; this is fairly uncommon but occurs more often prior to Actualization. If it does occur, what typically happens is a shift to a linked concept, such as Song's shift from Silence to Songs in Silence or Crown's shift from Repression to Release of Repression.
However, it is possible to actively oppose one's Idea or some aspect of it. The more developed the Idea is, the more rare this is to occur due to the personal identification with the Idea that occurs through progressing towards Actualization. After Actualization, this is exceedingly rare and typically only occurs after a drastic, deeply emotionally destabilizing event that destroys one's sense of identity or some aspect of it—since the Idea of an Edeia is deeply linked to their identity. For the case of Edeia, this will usually cause a shift to an altered Idea, since that opposition implied a desire to be something else. If an Edeia simply no longer identifies with the Idea and loses the will to live, they are more likely to dissociate.
An ideated individual can also reject their Idea, though this is also very rare and happens more for those born with their Ideas. This can also be caused by life-changing events. Rejection will lead to lower and lower levels of affinity, and to an extreme, one can lose their Idea entirely. It is possible to develop a new Idea after that, though it is as unlikely as for any other individual. In the case that one does not lose their Idea, they can re-identify with their Idea and once again grow their affinity to it.
Actualization is the process by which a being with idea magic becomes an Edeia. However, in a way, it is much more than that: it is a moment of fundamental transformation, perhaps the moment a to-be Edeia lets go of their past identity to become an entity that embodies their Idea, or the moment all the pieces of who and what they are culminate into a cohesive entity.
Once they Actualize, a few things happen:
they are physically transformed
they develop an Abstraction
they gain basic/instinctual knowledge of the world, what they are, how to use their powers, how to fuse, etc.
they may lose some or even most of their memories
The most crucial aspect is that the to-be Edeia must truly identify with their Idea.
Whether they retain their memories often depends on if, at the moment of transformation, the Edeia wished to retain any parts of their old identity or become something new, to truly embody their Idea and that Idea alone. Even if they lose their memories in the conscious mind, the knowledge may still subconsciously be available—it is possible for some Edeia who have lost their memories to recover them in their conscious mind. When they Actualize, it is a moment where their identity solidifies (whether it involves shedding a past identity or combining everything they were into an integrated whole), and the memories that are irrelevant to what that identity is are often what is lost.
Many Edeia then choose a new name - a significant number call themselves the same thing as their Idea, as their identity is strongly connected to their Idea. Some will choose a new name that is not their Idea but better reflects their true self. Rather few tend to keep their original name.
Additional Details on Actualization
Actualization cannot happen by accident. Whether consciously or subconsciously, the to-be Edeia must be prepared to give up being who they were to become who they are. In many cases, this is why memories of past lives are hazy or forgotten.
The hazy exception to this is the case when Edeia are near Actualization and die. If the individual was on the path to Actualization and would have very likely chosen to go through with it when the time came, they may Actualize there. It is possible to have a true Actualization near death, but if one actually dies and Actualizes without consciously/subconsciously making the choice, they could be more unstable and at risk of dissociation until they experience a true "peak moment" that settles their identity. It is also possible for those who would die of old age or otherwise "peacefully" to first enter a slumber that seems like death, and then Actualize some time later, be it hours, days, months, or rarely years. They will not breathe nor will they consume any sustenance, and they will not decompose. This is what occurred for Rieve.
The process itself is very fast; one moment you are a "being with idea magic" and then are an "Edeia." Typically, it lasts a few seconds. Only rarely will the process last more than a minute. It can be intense or peaceful; a decision made by emotion, logical choice, a soul-deep acceptance, or something else.
That said, the lead-up to Actualization can be very lengthy. In a way, the lead-up could be considered as starting at the moment someone manifests idea magic. As they become more attuned to their Idea, they begin to experience changes in their form. Eye color typically changes first, though later on, hair color and skin color may change. In rare cases, there can be drastic changes in physical form (such as part of a body shifting into an energy form as Edeia bodies are; extra appendages; more eyes, etc.). If a to-be Edeia's magic is unstable (whether caused by emotional instability or lack of control over the magic), then drastic changes can be more likely.
An animal with idea magic can often experience the same changes humans do before Actualization — changes in their eyes, coloration, etc. These animals also develop higher intelligence and self-awareness over time. They may also become able to "speak" the way Edeia do, i.e. by magic (usually vibrating the air around them to produce sound) or by telepathy.
An entity with idea magic can decide not to Actualize. This could be because they do not want to let go of their current self, because they do not want to become immortal, or for any other reason. In many cases, this does not cause problems — especially if they decide not to Actualize early on. However, if they have been growing in power and attunement to their Idea and decided fairly late to turn away from their Edeia potential, their magic can continue to grow and become difficult (but not impossible) to control, at least until their affinity to their Idea decreases and their powers grow weaker.
An Edeia's Abstraction is their personal pocket dimension, a place that reflects their soul and Idea. It is created upon Actualization, and the initial form it takes can depend on if the individual has an existing personal mental space (such as a mind palace) as well as the individual's personality, preferences, and Idea.
After it is formed, the Edeia can redecorate, so to speak—changing the landscape, adding new objects, etc. Typically, any changes are still done within the "space" of the original Abstraction; fundamental alterations like changing a void into a replica of a place on the physical plane is not typically done.
An Abstraction can also be used as a bridge for teleportation—since the dimension is not spatially attached to the physical plane, one can enter and exit at any location. Getting this to be precise is difficult, however, and typically only used for long distances.
There are two ways for a physical/organic being to enter an Abstraction—as a soul/energy form or physically. Physically entering an Abstraction is more difficult, taking more energy/effort from the Edeia and causing more stress to the physical body (which can be recovered from without issue, as long as one is not dimension-hopping every day or at a similar frequency).
Entering as a soul is easier. Edeia can either remove a soul from a body by touching the subject and pulling it out, or simply getting a "hold" on the soul before transporting to the Abstraction. There's no preparation that's particularly necessary, but one probably wants to make sure their body is going to be somewhere safe. It enters a sort of stasis without a soul—metabolic needs such as eating/drinking/aging/etc. will slow over the course of a few hours before halting entirely. If too much time is spent away, returning to the body becomes increasingly troublesome. It takes longer to wake up, there is lasting lethargy (which will go away after some time), and one may experience something like dissociation (in the human sense, not the Edeia death sense) in which the soul somewhat drifts/loses synchronicity with your body.
All Edeia share a number of abilities, including shapeshifting, intangibility, invisibility, their ability to use their Abstraction for teleportation and dimension crossing, energy manipulation, soul manipulation, etc. They are detailed below.
Form Manipulation
Edeia are capable of shapeshifting. However, they tend to be most comfortable in their natural form, as that form reflects their Idea and the nature of their soul. Some may have an alternate form that they are about just as comfortable in, but that is less common.
Their colors can be changed. For some Edeia, it is a simple matter, but for others, it may be more difficult.
In terms of temporary shapeshifting, there are very few limits. Many will take on a humanlike form to mingle with mundane society or other reasons.
Edeia can manipulate the characteristics of the energy that manifests as their body, though some may be better at it than others. Generally, they can make themselves fully intangible or partially tangible (i.e. there is a resistance to passing through them but one still can); most are fully solid by default but this is not necessarily the case.
They can also manipulate themselves to be partially or fully transparent. Note that "selective" invisibility (in which certain individuals can be "chosen" or only individuals under certain conditions can see or not see the Edeia) can only occur as part of the Edeia's Idea magic; natural invisibility is a manipulation of the way light interacts with them, which is more of a physical phenomenon than a magical one.
Dimension Crossing
Edeia have a single world of origin, but they are able to cross dimensions—as such, Edeia are capable of interacting with any character you wish. Typically, this is done by using their Abstraction as a bridge, since these pocket dimensions are slightly removed from reality. After entering a new dimension, an Edeia can use that dimension’s energy signature to easily identify and cross to that dimension once more. Edeia can also bring objects and entities to and from other dimensions.
What an Edeia can do is cast out their natural Edeia energy senses for the "wavelengths" (or however the Edeia perceives them) of different dimensions, and then reach out and connect to it; every dimension (including Abstractions) essentially has a unique signature they can detect. They can then let that connection pull them to the dimension, or use it to form some kind of "door" in their Abstraction that they and others can use.
(As for beings of other dimensions: if they have their own way of dimension traveling, that would work. Alternatively, Edeia can bring them from the different dimension to their Abstraction, and then to the world of Ideation.)
Energy Manipulation
Edeia have some degree of manipulation over many natural energies of the world, including light, sound, heat, electricity, gravity, etc. Note that if their Idea is relevant to some energy, the only limits are their imagination; this applies to the general case of all Edeia.
They generally have the most control over light, and the sound manipulation is often to the extent of synthesizing their voice. Heat manipulation can change how warm or cool they feel upon contact (this can be subconscious or conscious control), and they can affect the environment to a small extent. They can have some amount of influence over electronics, though often very little; they can direct existing electrical flow to some extent, like redirecting lightning. They generally have little influence over gravity when it comes to the environment or other beings, but they can change how gravity affects them.
Edeia can also have some amount of power to manipulate soul energy. This means that they can remove a soul from a body, interfere with soulbonds, use energy from souls, sense souls, etc. However, if an individual is resistant to their manipulation, then it can be difficult to affect them. The ability also allows them to interfere with dreams, though some are better and some are not good at it at all, and more involved dream manipulation can be part of their Idea magic.
Metaphysical Manipulation
This ability relates to their powers over their Abstraction. They can change the "rules" of reality in their Abstraction, such as changing how time and space might behave. They can create portals to their Abstraction or make a physical space linked to their Abstraction.
Generally, they have very limited power in influencing physical reality outside of their Abstraction, unless it is related to their Idea.
Edeia are capable of combat using energy and form manipulation or their unique idea magic.
They can shift parts of their body into offensive forms such as blades and claws. They would also be able to form energy projectiles to attack others, with the energy being the unique "flavor" of an Idea.
Edeia can only be harmed by magic, with idea magic being most effective. Getting cut or blasted with magic would cause a sensation like pain and some destabilization. Restabilizing takes energy, and complete destabilization and/or exhaustion would lead to an Edeia losing consciousness and form and regaining it in their Abstraction.
To defend themselves, Edeia can create energy shields capable of blocking attacks. These may take different appearances depending on the Edeia. While this also takes some effort, the tiring effect it causes is not as bad as taking "damage," so to speak.
Of course, each Edeia can have unique ways of attacking and defending in addition to these "default" options by using their unique forms or idea magic.
Abstraction Containment / Abstraction Jail
Abstraction containment, also known as Abstraction jail, is a process by which a convergence of Edeia comes together to restrict an Edeia's activities by containing them in their Abstraction.
Containment Conditions
During containment, the subject Edeia can do anything they want inside, but the Edeia has restrictions on leaving their Abstraction; the exact conditions are decided by the convergence of Edeia that will perform the containment. Some of the conditions are as follows; some conditions can overlap.
Containment Level
Full containment: cannot leave Abstraction at all.
Partial containment: can leave Abstraction for small periods of time, under certain conditions, and/or with an Edeia involved in the containment. After a certain amount of time or by the will of the Edeia involved in containment, the subject Edeia will be pulled back to their Abstraction.
Containment from Ideation: cannot enter the mundane plane of Ideation, but can enter other dimensions, including others' Abstractions.
As the containment grows weaker, full containment could devolve into partial containment and/or containment from Ideation.
Isolation Level
Total isolation: no one else can enter or leave the Abstraction, and the Edeia cannot communicate with the outside.
Restricted correspondence: the subject Edeia can communicate with those involved in their containment. This could involve certain restrictions, such as only sending a limited number of telepathic messages with a limited number of words.
Open correspondence: the subject Edeia can indirectly communicate with anyone of their choosing with whatever means they have available. Some might influence dreams, some might send telepathic messages, some might create magical constructs to communicate, etc.
Restricted visitation: certain individuals (usually Edeia involved in containment or rehabilitation) can enter and leave.
Open visitation: anyone other than the subject Edeia can freely enter and leave. Of course, the subject Edeia has the choice of allowing them to enter or not. Even those involved in containment can be barred from properly entering their Abstraction, though they could be at the "doorstep" with an unignorable presence.
As the containment becomes weaker, total isolation and other restrictions can devolve. Generally, open correspondence occurs before open visitation.
End Conditions
Time: the Edeia involved in containment can set a time frame for the containment to end. The containment will rapidly unravel once that time frame arrives, generally in a range of years. The Edeia involved may or may not feel the containment becoming undone, depending on how much of their essence is still linked to the containment at that time.
Condition: a certain condition can be set for the end of containment, such as "the end of Secrecy" or "rehabilitated enough." This functions similarly to indefinite containment, except for the fact that after the condition is fulfilled, the containment will immediately unravel. The condition can be objective or subjective; objective conditions do not require the knowledge of the Edeia who took part in the containment, while subjective conditions require the acknowledgement of the Edeia. As each Edeia acknowledges the condition is met, the containment grows weaker; it can be broken before all Edeia agree.
Indefinite: the subject Edeia is contained for as long as the participating Edeia can maintain the containment. Depending on how many Edeia are involved, their willpower, and the subject Edeia's willpower and degree of opposition, this could last a few years to centuries, millennia, and more. The power of the containment naturally grows weaker over time and with opposition, and cannot be "refreshed" so long as the Edeia is not subdued again, which cannot be done while they are in their Abstraction no matter how many Edeia come to try. The subject Edeia, if they want to escape, will have to try to break out at some point; if they wait long enough, the containment could be as weak as tissue paper. That said, there could be Edeia who accept their containment and live out their existences with that tissue-paper barrier by choice—perhaps only poking a few holes in it to allow visitors or the occasional trip outside.
Abstraction containment requires that the subject Edeia either submit to the containment, or exhaust their power and dissipate, after which they will re-form in their Abstraction. Then, a group of multiple Edeia must use their powers of metaphysical manipulation to lock the subject Edeia in their Abstraction.
If an Edeia escapes to their Abstraction before exhausting their power entirely, then they may be able to resist some of the effects of containment. For instance, Omephagos fled from a confrontation into their Abstraction, and they were able to avoid being completely contained but were still prevented from re-entering the mundane plane of Ideation for a time.
The more the subject Edeia is resistant to the containment, the more Edeia need to be involved in the containment process. If the subject Edeia is willingly submitting to the containment, as few as two Edeia can be involved, but usually there are at least three in case the subject Edeia changes their mind and starts opposing their containment. There have been as many as ten or perhaps more Edeia involved in containing particularly troublesome Edeia. More than that becomes unwieldy, as aligning that many wills becomes difficult and the influence of other Edeia on the subject Edeia becomes saturated. There is something of a logistic curve to "strength of containment vs. number of Edeia involved."
When Edeia take part in containing another Edeia to their Abstraction, they link some of their own metaphysical essence to the subject Edeia's Abstraction. Some Edeia are better at this than others; each Edeia can merge a small part of their essence with that of the subject Edeia, allowing them some degree of influence, and when enough Edeia do this, they can gain enough influence to lock an Edeia away. However, no matter how many Edeia are involved, they cannot influence what happens inside the Abstraction; they can only create a metaphysical "layer" surrounding the internal workings.
The Edeia involved usually need to discuss the containment conditions beforehand so that their wills are synchronized. It is possible to try to sabotage the process of containment by changing the target conditions or pulling out, though if a large number of Edeia are involved, a few changing their minds or sabotaging the process will still allow the containment to take effect. Also, during the process of containment the Edeia involved can sense the intent and wills of others involved, so the saboteur may face their own judgement for doing so. Once the containment is complete, it becomes very difficult to sabotage independently, though a majority agreement of those involved in the containment can allow for a change in the conditions.
If the subject Edeia does not try to oppose their containment, then the Edeia who took part in the containment will not be very affected by this link. The containment will naturally unravel when the agreed-upon time comes; it also becomes weaker as the essence of the involved Edeia naturally separates and returns to the original Edeia. You can think of it like a suspension of oil and water gradually separating over time. Edeia who have exceptionally strong willpower and have a commitment to keeping the Edeia contained can maintain the level of their link to the subject Edeia.
However, if the subject Edeia is often trying to oppose the terms of containment, then the Edeia involved in the containment will feel the pull on their attention and power—especially rebellious Edeia, as such, can be very draining to contain. Then, it becomes a battle of willpower. To be involved in containing troublesome Edeia is truly a commitment of mental and magical resources; as such, many Edeia might decline to be involved in the containment process of such Edeia while still helping with subduing the Edeia.
Consistent and intense rebellion can gradually expel the influence of Edeia involved in the containment, which could gradually loosen the restrictions. This rebellion could involve the Edeia trying to use their powers of metaphysical manipulation to poke holes in or destroy the metaphysical barrier around their Abstraction, trying to leave despite being bounced back, expelling a lot of energy to try to degrade the influence of other Edeia in their Abstraction, etc. It is easier to partially degrade the barrier or poke holes in it than it is to break it down completely.
If the restrictions on Abstraction containment are loose from the start (for instance, allowing the Edeia to go to other dimensions) then it becomes more difficult to oppose the restrictions in a way that will cause them to break down faster. Metaphorically, you can think of it as trying to break a cage made of metal vs. breaking a cage of soft material; a hard material could break and deform from damage, but a soft material will just go along with the motions without actually being damaged. Of course, there are Edeia who have exceptionally strong willpower in containing other Edeia; Order is one of them, though they tend not to partake in containment unless they feel their presence is necessary. How effective containment is can be something that is flexible and discussed between owners of Edeia making these stories.
Edeia are capable of fusing. The entity that results is able to use some extent of the components' abilities, in addition to unique abilities that come from a combination of their Ideas.
New fusions choose their own names—some use a mashup of components' names, while others choose a new name that reflects their new self.
What the resulting fusion is like depends on a number of factors: how the personalities mesh, how much the components trust each other, how compatible they are (which can depend on a number of factors).
Well-formed fusions between Edeia who trust each other have a single consciousness with the memories of the components and a personality that is a mix of the original ones. These fusions can be maintained for long periods of time, even longer the more the fusion is done.
Less stable fusions between Edeia with incompatible elements or a lack of trust can result in a personality that is some blend of singular and multiple. These are harder to maintain, and thus diffuse (unfuse) easily. Strong, conflicting emotional turmoil (i.e. if components have strong but different reactions to something) can cause a stable fusion to become unstable.
Forced fusions are possible but highly unstable and difficult to maintain. The instigator would be the dominant personality, but they would still have elements of the subjugated component's personality. The subjugated component can fight for control, however, and when they succeed in taking the reins, the personality would be opposite, dominated by that component.
Fusions with other beings are possible; other energy beings are the easiest and organic/physical beings are more difficult. The appearance of a fusion with a physical entity will be dominated by the physical component - that is, an Edeia-human fusion would be mostly human-shaped.
Multi-fusions are also possible, given that all the components are fairly compatible. The more components there are, the more difficult it is to perform successfully and maintain.
When Edeia unfuse, memories tend to be maintained, though the clarity can vary. Stable fusions will have very clear memories while forced fusions could seem something like a fever dream for the subjugated component.
Permafusions are Edeia fusions that are extremely stable and can be held indefinitely, or nearly so. It generally takes time for well-formed fusions to reach the state of "permafusion" as the Edeia become used to being one cohesive entity - after all, they are originally two individuals with their own minds, wants, and needs. Note that "Permafusion" is more a label than a true state of being. Fusions may choose to call themselves that if they feel it fits, whether they are fused 99% of the time, 80% of the time, or even less.
The most defining trait of a permafusion is that it can be maintained indefinitely, or close enough to it, but those who have this capability may choose not to call themself a permafusion for any reason. For instance, they may not spend much time fused even though they can.
Permafusions who interact with reunited society regularly may be asked to create their own registry entry; fusions can generally make an entry on their own and make a note that they are a "permafusion." You may also let Auspice know if you want to make a fusion a permafusion, and they can add that note to the Masterlist.
Abstractions for Fusions
When Edeia fuse, the Abstraction is a bit of a mix of the components', but the fusion can alter it at will once they enter. Depending on how stable the fusion is, it could be a perfect blend or patchwork. If the fusion "redecorates" their fused Abstraction, it will maintain that state of being when the fusion is undone and redone.
Fusing with a non-Edeia could lead to an Abstraction with traits influenced by the other. It would be reflective of the being's headspace; for instance, if they have a mind palace or anything similar then the Abstraction would mix with that. With a more unorganized mind or animal, the Abstraction could become extremely abstract. For instance, Song's lake could become a place with floating rocks and streams that float in space, defying nonexistent gravity. The fusion could still alter the place at will after the fact, but something like that would be the starting point.
The Abstraction resulting from fusion with a being with a mental illness would depend on the type of illness, but a possibility is a very chaotic Abstraction. Lots of moving parts, things spontaneously disappearing and appearing.
Edeia would have trouble fusing with beings of low intelligence/consciousness, considering that fusion is easiest with trusting, consenting parties. But, theoretically, if it was successful, the Abstraction might become very sparse - that is, much of it becomes empty nothingness. Also, the overall intelligence of the Edeia would be not as high. It might feel like a dream, where one somewhat in control but also somewhat watching what is happening.
Special Traits
Special traits for Edeia include the states of being Fission Edeia, Soultwined Edeia, and Tuplet Edeia (i.e. Twin Edeia). A brief summary/comparison of each:
Fission: One Edeia splits into multiple fission fragments. This comes about from a dichotomous sense of identity, in which different aspects of the self are accepted as part of a whole, but different enough and possibly even sometimes conflicting in ways that lead to a splitting of identity. They only have one Idea, though fragments can represent different aspects of that Idea.
Soultwined: Multiple beings, typically two, develop a powerful soulbond and Actualize as intertwined beings. They retain different Ideas, though the Ideas are defined and interpreted in the context of one another. They have more independence than Twin Edeia, but they are not independent individuals. The souls are tightly intertwined, in a sense that is like "two bound together as one."
Tuplet (Twin) Edeia: Multiple beings, typically two, develop a powerful soulbond that blends their souls into an existence that is both one and two at once. They have the same Idea, and often exist as "one being in two bodies." It more commonly originates from familial bonds.
Ambideia: One Edeia has multiple, typically two, distinctly separate Ideas, which they usually fluidly shift their identity between. This is not the same as having one multifaceted Idea; a particular characteristic is a capability of almost completely disconnecting and reconnecting with their Ideas. They take a different appearance when identifying with a different Idea. It is possible for them to express their multiple Ideas at the same time in a state similar to fusion, though for some individuals this can be more or less difficult.
Each one has very particular lore and will have numerous requirements for acquisition, which will be outlined on the Acquisition page.
Note that siblings can become Edeia separately, and Edeia can have soulbonds without being Soultwined or Tuplet Edeia.
Fission is a very rare trait for Edeia that is brought about by a dichotomous sense of identity, specifically for the case of one soul perceiving itself as multiple individuals. It is essentially the opposite of fusion, in that one Edeia becomes two or more entities. An Edeia with this capability can stay as fission fragments indefinitely; the state is much like an alternate form, in the same way fusion is for Twin Edeia.
The Idea can be entirely separate from what makes an Edeia have the fission trait. Different fragments could both have the same Idea/abilities as before, with the only differences being a fragmentation of their personal identity, or different fragments can represent/emphasize different aspects of the original's Idea.
The sense of individuality for fission components can vary; in the case of Auspice (the Edeia), each component considers themself to still be part of the same entity and they have a fluid, connected consciousness. In some cases, however, each component may have stronger individuality and significantly different personalities, though still derivative of the original Edeia. Regardless, the components generally have connected minds.
Note that Twin Edeia have a different metaphysical state, i.e. having a soul that is one and two at once. A fission still has exactly one soul, though each component may be influenced by different aspects of the soul.
Actualization Process
Fission Edeia can develop a Fission trait before or after they Actualize, but it is more typical that the dichotomous sense of identity starts to develop in their previous form. Otherwise, they Actualize normally.
The dichotomous sense of identity that leads to the development a Fission trait is not the same as multiplicity (i.e. DID/OSDD alters, see A Note on Multiple Personalities below), though they could be related depending on the case. The dichotomy of Fission often arises from experiencing dissonance when trying to make decisions - there is a part of an individual that wants to do one thing, and a part of them that wants to do another thing - and both parts are or are nearly equally "right" to the individual. The dissonance could be even worse if, by pursuing one method of being themself, they deny the other element of themself. If they reflect, meditate, or otherwise contemplate this dissonance and form concepts of identification that grow into distinct but cohesive identities, this could lead to Fission. The process of developing these distinct identities can lead to some resolution of the dissonant feelings. Rather than developing an "alter," which is more like an independent identity developed outside of one's control, Fission comes from viewing oneself as having multiple aspects that are all "themself." Fission, in a way, is like actualizing these aspects into more independent parts.
Fission being developed before Actualization is essentially developing this sense of distinct identities; an individual who Actualizes with this sense of identity may immediately Actualize with the Fission trait. Otherwise, this sense of identity may be developed after Actualization or only reach a critical point after Actualization, at which point the Edeia can develop the Fission trait.
There may be other circumstances that lead to Fission as well; feel free to consult Auspice if you are unsure.
Soultwined Edeia
These are Edeia who are deeply soulbound, those whose identities are shared and defined with each other.
They are a rare occurrence, though not as rare as Fission or Tuplet Edeia. Similar to Tuplets, they must experience a mutual soulbond strong enough to overcome the natural draw of beings towards actualization as their unique, individually-defined, true self. Unlike Tuplets, they retain stronger senses of individuality and different Ideas—though their Ideas are often defined in the context of and/or in contrast with the other, which strengthens their senses of identity both as their own self and as the united unit with their soultwined. Many have "opposite" Ideas, but this is not necessarily the case—they could also be similar/adjacent Ideas, or maybe Ideas seemingly unrelated but together having some greater/more complex/nuanced meaning. There simply must be something about their Ideas becoming something more when considered together.
Almost all Soultwined Edeia are Actualized as such, with their journey of exploring their identities and becoming soulbound occurring while they were in their previous form. They often help define each other through defining themselves, getting an ever stronger sense of who they are as a counterpart to their other. Humans especially have mutable souls and much more easily develop such a strong soulbond so as to have their "true self" be one that is part of and defined with another individual. For Edeia to become Soultwined after Actualization is extremely rare, as by the time they are Actualized, they have already established and accepted a strong identity as their own self. Doing so would involve a major shift in their sense of self, a gradual change mutually shared with the other; it may even involve a second Actualization.
Soultwined Edeia should not be considered independent individuals from each other, though they may seem to act independently at times. They are not "two very close individuals" but parts of a united existence. Their personalities will often exist on a spectrum of blending that might depend on their mood or simply ebb and flow naturally. They may have their independent personalities present, have each blend elements of the other, or they may reach a point of having the same personality, though this last case is rare for them and much more common for Tuplet Edeia. The same goes for their thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. The sharing of their thoughts may go from deliberate telepathy, awareness of each other's surface thoughts, deeper thoughts, to sharing all thoughts. They are always aware of each other's emotions, though this can go from cognitive awareness to feeling them themselves. Their senses—visual, hearing, touch, etc.—can be shared deliberately, in the background (low but present the transference), to sharing all senses simultaneously; in the last case, they can still retain awareness and ability to interact with the world without being confused. All these states can occur regardless of distance.
As with any who have strong soulbonds, they have an instinctive sense of the others' comfort and needs. They more or less never cause accidental or deliberate emotional harm to each other—accidental is nearly impossible due to their instinctive awareness, and if they have a soultwined bond, they would not harm each other. If they were in a sort of relationship where they would deliberately hurt the other, the bond would not form, as it requires mutual trust and comfort with the other. They are also, again, not entirely independent beings, but a sort of faceted system with a united identity that exists in the world and experiences it together.
Their appearances often have some similar characteristics that link them visually, though they can still vary considerably. They fuse extremely easily, and such a state can be considered more like an alternate form for them as opposed to a fusion between two independent Edeia.
Soultwined Edeia share an Abstraction. It can be more on the dynamic end or on the static end; dynamic Abstractions may shift from something having elements associated with each part being separated, to mixing together, to blending thoroughly as a united, congruent thing. Those with a more static Abstraction (the same over time) may have sections that are united/congruent and sections more strongly representing each Idea.
Actualization Process
Soultwined and Tuplet Edeia Actualize through a very similar process. The involved individuals must have a powerful soulbond. For Tuplets, it must be of the nature that the souls are nearly blended into one, while for Soultwined, it is more of a strong link that leads to blending. The individual "self" is very strong; the strength of the soulbond and mutual identification must be enough to overcome the natural want to be an independent self-actualized being, defined only by one's own true self. For Tuplets and Soultwined, the "true self" is a shared one, but Tuplets must have a much stronger connection as their Idea and "identity" are the same.
While a split-soul tuplet condition is extremely rare, it tends to be the "easiest" way Tuplet Edeia occur, though the two may still develop into Soultwined or two separate, if strongly soul-linked, Edeia. Ki and Ro are an example of split-soul twins. The soulbond could also be a developed spontaneous bond ("soulmates") or a natural soulbond, built through unequivocal and mutual trust, empathy, and comfort. Deliberate soulbinding through magic like ritual magic can also lead to Tuplet or Soultwined Edeia. For more information about soulbonds, see here.
Over time, the individuals will become interlinked metaphysically. They may begin to feel like they are both one and two entities at the same time; they may feel like they are collectively one being that simply acts through two bodies. Their personalities may blend into each other, fluidly shifting between a united personality to their own distinct states. For Tuplets, they might dream or daydream that they are the other, acting as the other; they could start to act as the other would - or something in between - while awake as well. The main requirement is that their identities start to meld together into something united and shared.
For Tuplets, the ideation, the formation of their Idea, can occur as the same Idea for both individuals at the same time, or converge from two separate ideations. In the first case, the two must already have a strong soulbond blending their sense of identity. In the latter case, their Ideas may at first be different before both become interlinked as the same through their process of developing their soulbond. For Soultwined, their ideation tends to occur and develop at the same time, as they define each other by their existence.
Both Tuplets and Soultwined Actualize at the same time, and can be in proximity or apart. If they are far apart, by the time the bond is strong enough to define them as one-and-two, their connection will allow them to simultaneously experience the precipice of Actualization, the moment of acceptance of a new self; then, they will manifest in their shared Abstraction. Regardless, in the process of Actualization, their bodies become energy and merge together before splitting into separate beings once more, so they must appear at the same spot.
Tuplet Edeia
Tuplet Edeia are Edeia whose souls exist in a state that is singular and multiple at once. They are most commonly Twin Edeia, involving two Edeia. They share an Idea and Abstraction. They may originate from organic beings who were twins, siblings, a single being (possibly with multiple personalities), or unrelated individuals; regardless of how, they must be strongly soul-bonded individuals (soul bonds between unrelated individuals may occur naturally, over time, or with external forces).
Tuplet Edeia are very rare. They often blur the line between one soul and two, a state that can be precarious yet stable all at once. Metaphysically speaking, it is more common for souls to completely separate, for them to merge, or for one to consume another.
In almost all cases, fusion comes very easily to Tuplet Edeia. After all, it is simply crossing a line that was blurry in the first place. Mechanically, fusions between Twin Edeia may have more resemblance to alternate forms than fusions with other Edeia.
While Tuplet Edeia can essentially share a soul, the two individuals will tend to develop their own unique personalities, though they might be described as how a single individual acts differently in different settings; their personalities are just aspects of a singular being. Their personalities will often exist on a spectrum of blending that might depend on their mood or simply ebb and flow naturally. They may have their independent personalities present, have each blend elements of the other, or they may reach a point of having the same personality. They share their thoughts, emotions, and perceptions at all times, though the degree may vary. Many will feel as though they are the limbs of a united being, acting as part of a whole.
Tuplet Edeia cannot die separately - when they go, they go together. (Dying referring to dissociation, as there is no other way for Edeia to really "die.")
As with any who have strong soulbonds, they have an instinctive sense of the others' comfort and needs. They more or less never cause accidental or deliberate emotional harm to each other—accidental is nearly impossible due to their instinctive awareness, and if they have a soultwined bond, they would not harm each other. If they were in a sort of relationship where they would deliberately hurt the other, the bond would not form, as it requires mutual trust and comfort with the other.
Their appearances tend to be extremely similar, with the same color palette and similar visual elements.
Actualization Process
Soultwined and Tuplet Edeia Actualize through a very similar process; see the Soultwined Actualization Process above.
Ambideia are Edeia with multiple distinctly separate Ideas. In almost all cases, they have two Ideas; any more than that is exponentially less likely to occur. They are one individual and thus have one Abstraction; this Abstraction can be dynamic (changing based on current identification) or relatively static, perhaps having different sections or different elements representing their different Ideas.
Like many other special trait Edeia, Ambideia are very rare. Those undergoing the process are more likely to have their Ideas shift than develop multiple, and it tends to be much more difficult for them to Actualize.
An Ambideia can also develop the Fission trait if the division of their identity is not only in their Ideas, but also in deeper aspects of their identity. The Fission fragments each have a different Idea and may look identical to their different Idea forms, or they may be different—usually in minor ways.
Ambideia have different forms for each of their Ideas. They may be different by a simple change in color palette; they could also have more complex changes in form, though they should be recognizable as the same Edeia by having similar or certain distinct design elements. While they are disconnected from one of their Ideas, they cannot manifest abilities related to it.
Ambideia have one distinct but fluid identity. Their memories should not be affected by their shifting Idea. (As a side note, Ambideia do not necessarily originate from those with multiple personalities; see A Note on Multiple Personalities.) Whether the shift in Idea is accompanied by a shift in personality depends on the individual; some have the same or a similar personality despite the shift in identity, others may think and behave differently, and still others may feel that their internal personality is consistent but behave differently (as one individual might behave differently in different situations but not consider it a "change in personality").
Many Ambideia can freely control which Idea they identify with — if they want to be able to, they will. Some do not have this capability or find it more difficult, but that is what they prefer; perhaps it feels more natural and right for them to let their identity naturally shift on its own.
Some but not all Ambideia are able to identify with and manifest their Ideas simultaneously. Those who do will have a medial form as well, and can use all their Ideas at the same time. (Since not all Ambideia have this capability, designing a medial form is optional.)
Actualization Process
Ambideia often develop one Idea first. They must develop a strong identification with the Idea, but that identification fluctuates; these individuals sometimes disconnect with their Idea entirely in relatively short phases (spans of hours, days or, rarely, weeks and longer). Note that a strong rejection of the Idea or long-term disconnect with the Idea will simply lead them to lose their connection to their Idea and possibly lose the Idea entirely. If their connection/identification with their existing Idea is not sufficiently strong, their Idea will most likely simply shift instead of developing a new Idea at the next step. If it gets to the point of them having a profound disconnect with their identity to the point of developing multiple personalities, personalities may Actualize separately, into other special trait Edeia (Soultwined, Tuplet, Fission), or not at all.
While in a state of transient disconnect with their existing Idea, they must develop a strong identification to another concept. The individual begins to switch between their strong identifications, and, as it approaches the point where their identification is just as strong to the new concept as it is to their existing Idea, they may manifest their second Idea. This process is highly unstable — it is far more likely for the Idea to shift into one Idea that combines both concepts at once, or perhaps even switch entirely. For many, the ambivalent nature of their identity leads to them never Actualizing at all. A crucial requirement is transient disconnection and reconnection with their Ideas, which allows multiple distinct and separate Ideas to form.
In order to Actualize, ironically, they must accept all aspects of their identity simultaneously — each aspect of their identity must accept the other(s), and they must embrace their fluid nature. Some learn to express their multiple Ideas at the same time while still keeping them distinct; some do not; many will experience a fusion of their identities and have their Ideas merge into one combined one (which, to some, is a desirable thing—they cannot access their other Idea's abilities when they do not identify with it). Many will Actualize at a point of "switching" between their Ideas or simultaneously expressing them while maintaining their distinctiveness.
A Note on Multiple Personalities
The potential of an entity with multiple personalities to become Edeia depends on that entity and how distinct their identities are. If each identity is a strongly distinct identity with a separated set of memories and experiences, then each identity would individually have the potential to ideate and Actualize separately from the system. If they Actualize separately, they would not consume the body in the process. In this case of something like dissociative identity disorder (DID), this may cause issues for the system left behind. The system may create a new identity to fill the place of the one that Actualized separately, but the separated identity is now their own separate and independent individual.
Alternatively, if the separations of identity are not as distinct, it is possible for a system to Actualize into one Edeia, whether with one Idea, as an Ambideia, or with the Fission trait. For instance, if there is some element of a consistent identity, or memories are shared, or something else connecting the identities more strongly as part of a singular whole. It may be somewhat more likely for an entity with separations of identity that are not as distinct to develop a Fission trait, though these separations should be stable. An unstable identity is more likely to lead to them being unable to Actualize at all.
It is also possible for multiple independent identities of an entity/system to Actualize into a Tuplet or Soultwined Edeia, though this is rare of a circumstance as always; being part of a system of multiple personalities does not necessarily make it more likely. It may even be more difficult if the personalities have no way of directly communicating, though the Idea magic may allow the separate personalities to become able to communicate (whether in some internal world or allowing multiple personalities to speak to each other mentally while one is in control) more easily if that is desired by all parties.
Edeia will generally not suddenly develop alters, especially not as with DID - which is usually associated with childhood trauma. Deviations in Edeia identity are more a form of personal understanding and perception, and not usually a trauma response. However, if an Edeia Actualized while having a form of multiplicity with identities that are not quite distinct then these identities can take on stronger, more distinct characteristics that lead to Fission. In certain circumstances (such as if these identities are considered entirely separate and not as part of a whole), a second Actualization could actually occur, where one or more of the identities becomes an entirely independent Edeia.