Previous Prompts
January 2025 Prompt: Cuisine
1/4/25 - 3/4/25 11:59pm ET
"Oh? Come for a drink, have you?" Blight pulls out a wineglass and summons an orb of red liquid that pours into the cup. With a snap of their fingers, a small black mass of tendrils separates from their wrist and lands in the drink, sinking to the bottom. The tendrils continue to writhe slowly, a mesmerizing sight. "Just keep in mind... you will not be the same as you were before you drink it."
— Blight serving one variety of Blightwine, a drink that blights the drinker. This one causes them to form tendrils as extra limbs (typically down their spine) and become infectious for a few days (involving coughing up small masses of tendrils). It has a mild salty-sweet flavor, burning somewhat while going down. The black substance has a bittersweet tang that fills the entire mouth, combining in an interesting way with the liquid.
As energy beings, Edeia have no need for food. Taste, even, is a sense that they need to construct, not one that is naturally present in them. Even so, many Edeia consume all sorts of things. What is their favorite food item, be it a main course, a snack, or dessert?
Design Prompt:
Design a food item that is themed on your Edeia.
If it is something complex to design/draw, like fancy sugar art:
Minimal shading (just enough to get a sense of textures, like a shine on glossy material).
No background or plating needed, but you can add it if you like.
If it is something simple, like a drink in a wineglass or a chocolate truffle:
Full shading.
A background of plating/placement on a table or such is required. You can add hands and/or a blurred depiction of, for instance, an Edeia serving or consuming it.
If the food has any magical effects, feel free to include a description in a blurb.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting an Edeia enjoying (one of) their favorite food items.
Writing Prompt:
Create writing the thoughts of an Edeia on food, whether in general or in regards to a specific item. Some guiding questions:
Is food just an indulgence, perhaps a reminder of what they were before, or is it an unnecessary waste of time?
Is food something they enjoy privately or share with others?
Are they contemplating food on their own, or sharing their thoughts in a conversation with others?
December 2024 Prompt: Collaboration
12/15/24 - 1/15/25 11:59pm ET
"We were just about to enter battle. Neither of our sides could come to an agreement about the rights over the crystals in the Valley, so we had gathered to solve it through conflict. However, as soon as our leader returned from one last failed negotiation attempt, a bright light appeared. When it faded, I saw what looked like a god, towering above us at a height that made the entire Valley appear insignificant. A substance like blood flowed from their head and sleeves, and a halo of pale green shone over their head. The gold ornamentation of their body glimmered in the fading twilight of the setting sun as they separated our two sides with barriers of light. I felt my desire to fight leave me, and although I knew it must have been their influence, what could I do? They called for an armistice, and our leaders accepted. That being shrunk down and met them in the center of the Valley. In the end, it all worked out... though I can't help but think that so long as we refuse to become part of united society, we will always be at the mercy of these 'gods.'"
— A soldier of an independent magical society witnessing the appearance of Armistice, fusion between Pacific and Destreza.
Though Edeia are powerful on their own, there are many more things they can do together—that is, when they fuse. Whether the union allows for different perspectives and approaches or allows them access to abilities that neither had on their own, fusions can accomplish things that, sometimes, their components cannot.
Has your Edeia ever fused to solve a problem or accomplish a goal that they found difficult or impossible alone?
Design Prompt:
Design a fusion with one or more Edeia.
If you use someone else's Edeia as a component, you can also earn a prompt pass.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting an Edeia fusion accomplishing something that would have been difficult or impossible for their components to do on their own. Please include a blurb that illustrates the situation, whether it is dialogue, a description, or anything else.
If someone else's Edeia is a component of the fusion, you can also earn a prompt pass.
Writing Prompt:
Create writing featuring an Edeia fusion accomplishing something that would have been difficult or impossible for their components to do on their own. Some guiding questions:
What problem or goal did they want to accomplish? Was it something that they came across or something that they planned? Was it a simple or personal task, or a more dire issue?
Did the Edeia try to act on their own first or decide to go for fusion immediately?
Were the other component(s) agreeable, or did it take some convincing?
How was the fusion able to accomplish their goals? Was it a matter of perspective or power?
If someone else's Edeia is a component of the fusion, you can also earn a prompt pass.
November 2024 Prompt: Huevember
11/4/24 - 1/4/25 11:59pm ET
Edeia can come in all sorts of colors, even if they may prefer a particular appearance. How would they feel about experiencing some different colors for a time?
You may submit up to three entries for this prompt; one challenge entry, one art entry, and one writing entry.
Challenge Prompt: You have two options:
Complete at least 10 Huevembers depicting at least one Edeia, at least at the finish level of a shaded sketch fullbody (or almost) with some vignette background (e.g., flowers or rocks at feet, aesthetic patterns, etc.). Please submit all together; can be on one canvas or multiple, and please label the days on the image. You can combine days.
Draw at least 10 depictions of your Edeia in a palette generated with their name from It should at least be a rough, colored, minimally shaded fullbody. No background is needed, and they can be on the same or separate canvas. Please include the palette colors you used, whether in the image or separately.
Art Prompt: You have two options:
Complete a Huevember day with an Edeia; please label the day. This does not count for both the art prompt and the challenge prompt.
Draw your Edeia using a limited palette generated by inputting your Edeia's name in You can blend colors and adjust brightness, but try to avoid adding extra colors. For instance, you can darken the palette colors for colored lines. Please include an image of the palette with the Edeia's name. The background doesn't have to be limited by the palette (especially if multiple Edeia are depicted), but it can if you want.
Writing Prompt: Write about your Edeia trying out a different palette or getting mysteriously struck by a phenomenon that causes their colors to change temporarily - if they hate it, it probably only lasts for a few minutes, but if they like it, they can keep it as long as they like (since they can change colors at will anyways). You can have their colors change to a Huevember day (please include day) or a generated palette (please include palette image).
October 2024 Prompt: The Hallowed Procession
10/1/24 - 11/30/24 11:59pm ET
On this night we walk the land
Should you meet us, place in our hands
an offering of your choosing, to be consumed in flame
then our gifts shall be yours to claim.
Then to follow, if you would like
Partake of our flame, and join our night
garbed in shadows, with a gaze of red
in the Hallowed Procession, till the night ends.
— Ritual and their Hallowed Procession
Since the Ancient Ages, on October 31st each year, Ritual would walk the earth, gathering offerings in what would come to be known as the Hallowed Procession. Depending on the offering and the giver's desires, the next year would bring a certain blessing or other phenomenon. They would welcome any who wished to join their parade, whether they were active Worshippers, former Worshippers, or simply those joining in the festivities - they would be donned in veils of darkness with crimson eyes, walking paths of shadows to gather others' offerings. Those who walked with Ritual would be linked to the minds of Ritual and all the others, joining in the delight of the night parade. Time seems to extend infinitely and they never seem to tire as they travel across the world. At the end, during the ages of Magic and Secrecy, many mortals would only remember it as a dream.
Since Ritual's public reveal in 2035, this became a more public phenomenon, and the Procession no longer obfuscated mortal participants' memories. Rather than hiding amongst the shadows, the Procession would be visible even from afar as a mass of swirling darkness accompanied by crimson eyes and crimson flames. It is an invitation - will you make an offering, or will join the Procession?
Your entry for this prompt can occur in any era, though it is a more public and revelrous affair in the Age of Reunion.
Some notes about the Hallowed Procession:
Those who join are bathed in crimson flame and become donned in the garb of the Procession. See the design prompt for details on what that could look like.
To at least some extent, participants share thoughts and consciousness with Ritual and other members of the Procession, though depending on their preference, their thoughts can be "anonymous." Their cognition is altered, achieving a sort of high-dimensional state where they can also mentally traverse time. They also do not experience physical or mental exhaustion.
The Procession always appears at the "most suitable moment" all across the world. They can appear in multiple places at the same time, though they never overlap. The subjective experience of participants may be sequential, with them experiencing each location in sequence in memory, or it could be parallel, with them experiencing multiple locations at the same time, depending on what is most suitable for the individual's cognition. When at a particular location, members of the Procession may disperse and knock on individual doors or seek out stragglers, with Ritual only directly meeting those on their path.
When members of the Procession receive an offering into their flame, they feel a boost in energy and many experience a subjective sense of enjoyment. This can range from a psychological sense of satisfaction, a sense of delicious taste, a warm and comfortable feeling, a pleasurable sensation, etc. It changes depending on their subconscious preference - if they prefer not to have the feeling at all, then they will not feel anything other than the boost in energy. The intensity of the feeling depends on both the importance/weight of the offering and how much the recipient likes the offering.
Members of the Procession gain the power to grant blessings and cause phenomena through the power of the offerings given into their flames. Their own will and preference can play a part in determining what is given, though there is a strong influence of Ritual and some influence from the overall Procession in determining whether a reward is suitable. The blessings and phenomena cannot be malicious so long as the offering is earnest, though they can range from small and silly to a magnificent boon if the offering is greatly appreciated.
Design Prompt:
Design your Edeia or other character as a participant of the Hallowed Procession. Here are some design guidelines:
They must wear a veil with a singular crimson eye sigil. It is usually black, but in some cases can be gold. The eye can make expressions, blink, and look around, following the wearer's gaze and sharing it with Ritual and the other members of the Procession.
Their clothes must be black, and should generally give the vibes of being ceremonial robes or something else suitable for the occasion. There can be gold decorations and highlights.
If they have any glowing parts or highlights, these all become crimson. Anything that glows should be red. For many Edeia, their overall color scheme becomes black, red, and gold.
They all carry at least one crimson flame in some form. This can be carried in a torch or brazier, it could replace some of their energy manifestations, they could carry it in their hands, or it could float around them.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting your Edeia witnessing or otherwise interacting with the Procession, or depict a character (Edeia or not) making an offering or joining the Procession.
Writing Prompt:
Create writing depicting your Edeia witnessing or otherwise interacting with the Procession, or depict a character (Edeia or not) making an offering or joining the Procession.
September 2024 Prompt: Intersecting Roads
9/14/24 - 11/14/24 11:59pm ET
"This is surprising."
Ven turned slightly, eyes widening upon seeing the strange figure behind him. "... What are you?"
The sharp curves of the entity's body shimmered and curled around it. "Hm. What you might become, in a certain future."
Despite the fact that the very thing in front of his eyes challenged his understanding of reality, somehow, Ven felt that the entity's words were true.
— Veraiel encountering Ven, his previous form.
Once again, a strange phenomenon sweeps across the world of Ideation, this time induced by a different fusion with Possibility. One way or another, Edeia find themselves meeting who they were in the past - a sort of "beginning" as opposed to how they, as an Edeia, have reached a sort of "ending." What do they do? Do they even recognize their past self, or do they figure it out because of the widespread phenomenon?
Some notes about the mechanics of this phenomenon:
Not all Edeia experience this phenomenon. However, if they want it to happen to them or if they find themselves intrigued by the possibility, it will almost certainly happen to them.
It does not occur to everyone at the same time. The phenomenon occurs most intensely over the course of approximately two months, though there are very rare, more isolated cases that occur after that time.
There are a few possibilities of how the meeting occurs:
The Edeia's past existence is transported in time to the present.
The Edeia's present existence is sent to the past.
Both past and present are pulled into some kind of intermediary space, whether this is a distorted pocket of spacetime or a dream.
In the case of transporting across time, the one transported will appear close to if not right next to their counterpart. They can wander around, but cannot interact with anyone except their counterpart. They will know when they are looking at their counterpart at an instinctive level, though they might not understand what that connection is.
The past and present counterparts cannot harm each other.
The timeline effects can vary as well:
The timeline splits due to the past meeting the future. The main continuity is unchanged, but there is another timeline where the past self remembers that encounter.
The timeline is continuous. The present Edeia might remember that encounter; in a meta sense, the timeline did split, but they happen to be in a path where the events line up. Alternatively, the memory of the encounter is forgotten by the past self (most often if it occurs in a dream), and the timeline remains undisturbed.
The conditions for ending the encounter vary. Generally, they have to at least acknowledge / become aware of the other's presence. Usually, it ends when both feel that important things have been said, or if the one who has been displaced in time feels strongly that they are ready to go. If the one displaced is mortal, they will not age. If they are reluctant to leave, after around a month, they will gradually fade over the course of a few days.
Design Prompt:
Design your Edeia's previous form or one of their previous incarnations.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork featuring your Edeia encountering their past self due to the phenomenon described in the prompt. Their past self can be their previous form, a past form with a different Idea, or a previous incarnation of their same soul.
Part: for two characters - minimum partial body + halfbody; three characters - minimum halfbody; four or more - minimum one halfbody, the rest can be bust/headshot.
Writing Prompt:
Create writing featuring your Edeia encountering their past self due to the phenomenon described in the prompt. Their past self can be their previous form, a past form with a different Idea, or a previous incarnation of their same soul.
August 2024 Prompt: Magic
8/5/24 - 11/5/24 11:59pm ET
"This vulnerability of yours... how interesting. What will come of you when I tear it out of your very being? Perhaps you'll become the ideal 'you' in your heart. But don't forget. I don't erase it - I only separate it. Whether you hide it away or take it back into yourself will be your choice, but take care not to let it fall into the wrong hands."
— Amiron, Edeia of Vulnerability, to Orfimis (non-Edeia) shortly before using their "encapsulation" ability to extract Orfimis's vulnerability of "temptation of desires."
Edeia are composed of Idea magic, a form of energy that could give them the power to bend the world to their whims. What do they use their magic for? What are their favorite ways to use their powers? Do they only use their magic for their own benefit, do they use it to aid or harm others?
You may submit up to two art entries for this prompt.
Art Prompt:
Depict an Edeia using their Idea magic abilities. Include a blurb explaining the ability they are using and the context of the image.
Background: The background can be abstract.
Writing Prompt:
Create writing featuring your Edeia using their Idea magic abilities.
July 2024 Prompt: Entanglements
7/1/24 - 8/31/24 11:59pm ET
"Why are you doing this?"
"Well, of course, it's fun. Don't forget, you've agreed to everything. You can leave at any time."
"Haha. I thought as much. Until you're able to cast me aside and stand on your own two feet - for as long as you need me to become yourself - I'll use you, and you'll use me."
— Self and Liam, one of Self's "collected" people who self "helps."
Edeia may encounter all sorts of individuals throughout their lives. What kinds of significant relationships have they had with mundane individuals and other non-Edeia?
In this prompt's context, a "significant" relationship involves a longer-term connection as opposed to just one or a few meetings, with one or both of them having a notable impact on the other's life. The connection does not need to be positive and can be unbalanced, though there should be some kind of effort to create and/or maintain the relationship on both sides.
If your Edeia has a significant relationship with a non-Edeia who later becomes an Edeia, that is permissible to use for this prompt, but you should focus on the relationship while one of them is not an Edeia.
Design Prompt:
Design a non-Edeia, or a previous form of an Edeia who had a significant relationship with an Edeia before their Actualization. Please briefly explain the relationship.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork featuring your Edeia interacting with a non-Edeia with whom they have some kind of significant relationship. Please include a blurb that indicates what kind of relationship they have.
Background: The background can be simple (e.g., gradient).
Part: for two characters - minimum partial body + halfbody; three characters - minimum halfbody; four or more - minimum one halfbody, the rest can be bust/headshot.
Writing Prompt:
Create writing featuring your Edeia interacting with a non-Edeia with whom they have some kind of significant relationship.
June 2024 Prompt: Show Your Colors
7/5/24 - 9/5/24 11:59pm ET
Edeia are incredibly diverse, vibrant beings, showcasing traits and aspects that may be regarded as beyond what is common and "normal." How might they present their more unique traits to others? Who would they "show their colors" to - other Edeia, mundane individuals, close friends? Did they have others help them express themselves more freely?
"More unique traits" could include a wide variety of traits, such as gender, romantic and sexual orientation, traits often considered "neurodivergent," personality quirks, uncommon hobbies, and more.
Art Prompt 1 - Interactions:
Create artwork featuring your Edeia (or their previous form) presenting their more unique traits to others, interacting with those who they are comfortable displaying these traits around, or learning how to express themselves with others. This prompt requires a character interaction. Please include a brief blurb explanation.
Art Prompt 2 - Expression:
Create artwork of your Edeia expressing their more unique traits. This could involve engaging in their uncommon hobby, demonstrating their more unique personality traits, etc. Please include a brief blurb explanation.
Writing Prompt:
Write about your Edeia expressing their more unique traits with others or in public.
May 2024 Prompt: Pop Culture
5/1/24 - 7/1/24 11:59pm ET
Has your Edeia starred in a movie or have they been featured in a magazine? Do they have a celebrity presence, in person or online? Do they produce content for entertainment independently or do work for agencies, and - as beings without physical needs - do they do so without pay, or do they seek non-monetary benefits? Do they maintain their fame or only occasionally appear on a whim?
Many Edeia are private individuals, but some may participate in "pop culture" - entertainment, news, fashion, and more.
You are welcome and encouraged to create fictional movies, magazines, agencies, etc.; this may be better than using something that exists in our modern world, especially considering that the "present" of this world is 100 years in the future.
Art Prompt 1:
Create artwork featuring your Edeia on a magazine cover, movie poster, fashion photoshoot, or other similar media.
The background can be simplified to something like a gradient; some text is required, along with a brief blurb explaining the context.
Art Prompt 2:
Create artwork of your Edeia engaging in some activity related to pop culture, e.g. shooting a movie scene, posing for a fashion photo, interacting with fans, attending a fancy party, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write about your Edeia engaging in some activity related to pop culture.
Morph, Edeia of Gender Euphoria, featured on a (fictional) magazine called Euphoria, which reports on featuring genders, ways of gender expression, and providing resources for finding one's gender. Morph does not manage the magazine, but they provide much support to it.
April 2024 Prompt: The Simple Things
4/4/24 - 6/4/24 11:59pm ET
One might ask why I prefer the mundane methods of kintsugi. Using my magic, it would be very easy to repair all of these in an instant, but the process is a key element of the experience, as I see it. Gathering the pieces, seeing how they fit together, carefully reconstructing the form with care... these are all needed to truly feel the essence of kintsugi.
— Mu, Edeia of Kintsugi
Many Edeia once lived simpler, more mundane lives, and many of them may continue to engage the simple activities that led them on their path to become an Edeia, or find new simple activities that they enjoy. What "simple" activities do your Edeia indulge in, and what forms do they take?
Examples may involve food, arts and crafts, volunteering work, hobbies they are trying out, and more. As a heuristic, you can think of activities generally accessible to normal people or other mortal beings in the world; these are usually mundane activities but they can also involve magic to some extent.
Design Prompt:
If your Edeia takes a different form while engaging in some "simple" activity, you may design it here. This can be a humanoid form, alternate form, animal form, human "disguise", or some other form.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting your Edeia engaging in some "simple" activity.
Writing Prompt:
Write about your Edeia engaging in one or more "simple" activities. You can also touch on the before and after, their motives and thought process, etc.
"Order! Order, my heart is beating so fast!"
"... Don't run in the halls, Data. You'll fall."
"Oh, don't worry so much. They'll be alright. At our cores, it seems we're still Edeia. Let them have their fun."
— A conversation between Data, Order, and Pacific while they had all been involuntarily transformed into their human previous forms.
March 2024 Prompt: Return
3/3/24 - 4/3/24 11:59pm ETWe were all other things, in a previous life. We did not simply come into being as we are. Then, what brought us here? How has who we were shaped who we are?
One day, two curious entities decided to fuse, and a particular phenomenon began sweeping across the world of Ideation - seemingly at random, Edeia have been transformed back into their previous forms. Does this occur to your Edeia? How do they handle it? How long does it last?
Some notes about the mechanics of this phenomenon:
It does not occur to everyone at the same time. The phenomenon occurs most intensely over the course of approximately a month, though there are very rare, more isolated cases that occur after that time.
An Edeia is still metaphysically an Edeia, though their transformed body would feel "real," including biological senses and needs, for instance. With some focus, they can bend some of the constraints of their form - for instance, a digital entity manifesting as a hologram or floating pixels. At first, there might be some resistance to accessing their abilities, with some effort they would become able to use their magic fairly normally, if a bit weaker.
If the Edeia had a past Idea, their Idea will not revert. At a more superficial level, they may be able to use abilities they used to have, but fundamentally their Idea and identity is unchanged.
Circumstances are generally made so that those who might harm others or be harmed just by returning to their previous form (such as stars and black holes, or entities that cannot be sustained by the Earth environment) generally have three possibilities: they are transported to a more suitable environment (e.g. flung out into space), some environment is created for them (e.g. a computer for a digital entity), or their form is metaphysically altered in a way that allows them to interact safely with others (e.g. making them smaller, removing dangerous emissions, allowing them to breathe Earth air and eat Earth food, etc.). An Edeia might be able to abstractly sense these possibilities, and can essentially "choose" which is more suitable for them.
If an Edeia remains in their Abstraction, they will be unaffected. They may feel a sort of pull towards the mundane plane, and if they leave their Abstraction, then they may be transformed.
An Edeia can fight off the transformation if they try - for instance, if they are expecting it. They can also reject the transformation after it happens - the stronger the rejection, the faster the transformation dissipates. They can also partially resist the effects, which might lead to a physical form that is strongly influenced by their Edeia characteristics - like a humanoid or hybrid form that has notable biological/physical characteristics, rather than just being a shapeshift.
The transformation may be as short as a few seconds (with rejection) or several weeks, perhaps even longer.
If they "die" while under this transformation, they will revert to their Edeia form.
The "rules" of this phenomenon are not too strict. You could say that anything is Possible. If you are unsure, consult Auspice.
This prompt follows the Standard Requirements.
Additional note: art and writing entries completed this month may be featured in a comic at a later time, much like with the Memory prompt and Fragments.
Design Prompt:
Design your Edeia's previous form.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting your Edeia experiencing the phenomenon of returning to their previous form. This could be the moment of transformation, their experiences while transformed, the moment of transforming back, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write about your Edeia experiencing the phenomenon of returning to their previous form, and/or observing and interacting with others who experience the phenomenon. You can write one or multiple scenes, and could touch on anything before, during, and after being stuck in their previous form. After seeing others transform, do they dread the same happening to them? Are they excited? Or did it hit them unexpectedly? During the transformation, do they think of it as something novel and fun, an inconvenience, or a dreadful return to an existence they'd left behind? Do they try to understand the cause of the phenomenon or just let the matter come and go?
Solem (#217) politely greeting Gloris (#216) during one of their visits to a city of reunited society, curious about her presence.
February 2024 Prompt: Love Thy Neighbor
2/3/24 - 3/4/24 11:59pm ETThere are all sorts of serendipitous connections one Edeia may have with another. Perhaps they simply crossed paths one day; perhaps they were born around the same time, or Actualized around the same time. Perhaps they are or were neighbors in a physical sense - before or after their Actualization. What would your Edeia make of such a connection?
This prompt focuses on "neighbors" in many ways, whether in a story sense or a meta sense - i.e., neighbors on the Edeia Masterlist. In the prompts below, a "neighbor" can be another individual that is a physical neighbor (living nearby), temporal neighbor (born around the same time or Actualized around the same time), or a neighbor on the ML.
You may submit one of each of the prompts below; the prompts otherwise follow the Standard Requirements.
Art Prompt 1:
Draw an Edeia not belonging to you that is a "neighbor" to yours. Interactions are optional.
Please include a blurb/note clarifying what kind of neighbor they are.
Art Prompt 2:
Create artwork depicting an interaction between your Edeia and a "neighbor" to yours, who can be your character or not, and can be an Edeia or not. The interaction is encouraged to be positive, but does not have to be.
Please include a blurb/note clarifying what kind of neighbor they are.
Writing Prompt:
Write about your Edeia interacting with a "neighbor" of theirs, who can be your character or not, and can be an Edeia or not. The interaction is encouraged to be positive, but does not have to be.
Please clarify what kind of neighbor they are if it is not clear in the writing.
January 2024 Prompt: The Things We Left
1/4/24 - 2/4/24 11:59pm ETI came to this timeline as Truth. I left the timeline I originated from as "Elvire." It truly was a different life, a different existence... I had friends, though few. A number acquaintances for whom I held favor. I was fortunate to be given the option to bid my farewells before I left. I have no regrets. Though there are indeed times that I find myself a little wistful. Many things are the same here; many things are different. Souls I knew there did not know me; some simply did not exist. Nonetheless, I am content here. After all, here, I am Truth, and only Truth.
— Truth
After an Edeia Actualizes, what is left behind? Were there friends and family that suddenly lost contact with the individual, or were their things and belongings taken elsewhere? What about memories of their past — were they, too, lost to history? If they were able to reunite with that which they had left behind, how much had things changed?
This prompt follows the Standard Requirements.
Design Prompt:
Design a character "left behind" by your Edeia's Actualization, and provide a brief blurb about their relationship. The character should have some kind of personal or otherwise significant relationship with your Edeia, and they lost that relationship upon Actualization (though they could form a new relationship later).
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting one of the following:
Your Edeia prior to Actualization interacting with an individual, an object, or something else "left behind" when they later Actualized
Your Edeia reflecting on something(s)/someone(s) they left behind, post-Actualization
Your Edeia reuniting with something(s)/someone(s) they had left behind, post-Actualization
Writing Prompt:
Write about your Edeia according to one or more of the options of the art prompts.
December 2023 Prompt: Home
12/7/23 - 1/7/24 11:59pm ETThe world of Ideation is where I came from. But the place where I changed and stepped onto the path of who I am is the world of Gilded Faults. Reiu and Nisce lived in this house, in this world, for a long time after I left. And now... now, we all return when the occasion arises. Now, it is a place all three of us call home.
— Wist
In the winter months, many individuals return home. Some have lost a previous home and have made a new one; some have a home lasting through eternity; some have no home to return to. What does does "home" mean to your Edeia? Is it a place? Is it a person? Is it their Abstraction? Is it a whole universe?
This prompt follows the Standard Requirements for the Art and Writing prompts.
Design Prompt:
Design a location that your Edeia calls home. This could be their Abstraction, a particular part of their Abstraction, a specific physical location, a place that only exists in the past, a world, etc.
You must depict an environmental scene, including elements of a foreground, middleground, and background.
Fully colored with at least minimal shading.
Including characters in the scene is not required.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting your Edeia in their home. This could include more abstract interpretations of "home," such as if "home" is considered another individual.
Writing Prompt:
Write about your Edeia spending time in their home, returning home, and/or reflecting on their thoughts about home and what it means to them.
November 2023 Prompt: Birds of a Feather
11/1/23 - 11/30/23 11:59pm ETAs shapeshifters, Edeia can take many forms. Some may find themselves drawn to the shape of a bird.
This prompt follows the Standard Requirements.
Design Prompt:
Make a design of a shapeshifted form of your Edeia as a bird. This can be based on a real bird, multiple real birds, or just have generally bird-like qualities (wings, bird feet, beak, feathers, and so on). If the design is based on real bird(s), feel free to share what the species is!
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting an Edeia in a shapeshifted form as a bird.
At least one Edeia must be depicted in their shapeshifted bird form. The other characters can be anything.
Writing Prompt:
In what circumstance does your Edeia take the form of a bird? Do they have any bird-like mannerisms while shapeshifted - or even if not? Create writing that depicts your Edeia in their shapeshifted bird form and/or exhibiting bird-like behaviors.
October 2023 Prompt: Edeiatober
10/3/23 - 11/3/23 11:59pm ETOctober is a popular month for creative challenges, and here we present our own Edeiatober! You are welcome to complete these prompts as you like - as many or as few, combining prompts, etc. but you may also make three entries that will qualify for figments.
The Free Day counts as one of the options. Do not use the same prompt multiple times for figments.
This prompt follows the Standard Requirements.
Design Prompt:
Make a design of a shapeshifted form of your Edeia, their previous form, or a character in Ideation inspired by one or more of the Edeiatober prompts. State which prompt(s) you used.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting an Edeia, inspired by one or more of the Edeiatober prompts. State which prompt(s) you used.
Writing Prompt:
You have two options:
1. Write a scene depicting an Edeia, inspired by one or more of the Edeiatober prompts.
2. Write a backstory/synopsis summary of events about an Edeia, inspired by one or more of the Edeiatober prompts.
"Fascinating, isn't it, to think about the ways we diverged? You strove past life to the potential of artificiality, while I found my answer in life and the renewal of it."
"Yet we are not so different in certain respects, you and I. We both redefine the limits of life. We both persist, and help others do so as well."
September 2023 Prompt: Divergent Roads
9/8/23 - 10/8/23 11:59pm ETIt is possible for there to be many versions of an entity, be them parallel existences from another dimension, or individuals from a similar or vastly different timeline of the Ideation universe. Sometimes, these entities may meet — and perhaps there are many interesting happenings to come from that.
Design Prompt:
Design an alternate version of the previous form of your Edeia. This can be a parallel existence from another dimension, which may or may not be the same species, or an existence from a similar or different timeline of the Ideation universe.
If you have an Edeia that is an alternate existence of another Edeia, you can design one of their previous forms.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting an Edeia interacting with an alternate version of themself.
Writing Prompt:
You have two options:
1. Write a scene depicting an Edeia interacting with an alternate version of themself.
2. Write a backstory/synopsis summary of events about an alternate version of an Edeia with a significant (but can be brief) interaction between them and their Edeia alternate self. This can include narrative elements and dialogue. If you have an Edeia that is an alternate version of another one of your Edeia, you may write for them.
This world once belonged to the sea. That time is past, now... but I do find myself enjoying the places where the sea has reclaimed what has been made of the surface.
— Roscha
August 2023 Prompt: Environments
8/12/23 - 9/12/23 11:59pm ETThe world of Ideation is a world of many environments - the mundane, the magical; the natural, the artificial, the reclaimed. There are fantastical places hidden during Secrecy, only to be reopened in Reunion.
What kind of environment does your Edeia enjoy? Do they like being in a forest, or perhaps in the mountains, or some other not-exactly-normal landscape?
Design Prompt:
Design a magical environment in the world of Ideation. These are locations that may have formed through the influences of one Edeia, multiple, or more spontaneous causes; they may have formed in any Age, but would be hidden in a Sanctuary during Secrecy if they existed at the time. These environments can be natural or have built structures. Abstractions do not qualify.
One example is the Hydrean Realm: Brilliantly blue crystals glow faintly where they are embedded in disembodied cliffs, held together by only roots and magic. They exude a strong hum of energy, a wavelength that feels like a vibrating hum. Water cascades from clusters of earth floating far above them. The hydrean crystals that this place is named for generate water of unparalleled purity, in addition to exuding magic and electromagnetic forces that defy this realm its gravity — which is why the clusters that float the highest tend also to be the sources of the area’s waterfalls.
Full scene with some amount of depth.
You do not need to depict a character for this prompt, but you can include them if you like.
Shading preferred but not required.
Please include a blurb including the name of the location and a brief description about its characteristics. You can include flavor text about whether any of your Edeia/characters visit and for what reason.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting an Edeia in an environment they enjoy. This can be magical or mundane, in any Age.
Options: for one character - fullbody or almost; for two characters - partial body (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more characters - halfbody (chest/equivalent up).
You can draw more of one character to draw less of another; for instance, one fullbody + one halfbody with two characters, or one partial body + one halfbody + one bust for three characters.
Colored, minimal shading okay.
Scenic background, with some depth.
Optional: Provide a little blurb about the situation, whether a reflection by the character, a summary of what the situation is, dialogue, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene depicting an Edeia in an environment they enjoy. This can be magical or mundane, in any Age.
I am a weary thing. Before Actualization, I was a feeble thing in body and, perhaps by extension, mind. There were things I wished to do that my body would not let me... but that was alright. My weariness made me rest when I needed it. And once I had rested, I could try to press onwards. I could never accomplish everything I wanted when I wanted, but, yes - that was alright. And now... I rest when I need it, and I help others as well. Weariness reminds us of our limits, and neither are such terrible things. So, then... would you like to join me? There is a peace to be found in a moment of rest.
— Raein, Edeia of Weariness
July 2023 Prompt: Limitations
7/10/23 - 8/10/23 11:59pm ETEdeia are beings who are exactly who they want to be. However, they are not limitless beings - many, consciously or subconsciously, choose not to be. Perhaps it is simply a part of who they are; perhaps it was shaped by experiences in their previous form with their own limitations - be they limitations of the body or mind, be they minor or extreme - or the limitations of others.
It is Disability Pride Month! A disability is a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities. Depict your character accepting and/or embracing a disability, perhaps by adjusting their situation to accommodate themself or another, or showing how they have incorporated it into their identity after Actualization. It does not need to be a disability formally recognized by law.
Design Prompt:
Design your Edeia's previous form, including some indication or discussion of a disability/limitation they have experienced. Have they lost a limb, and did they get a prosthetic (could be modern prosthetics or advanced ones in the Age of Reunion)? Do they experience chronic pain or fatigue? Have they lost vision or hearing? Did they have issues with learning, memory, and/or socialization? How did they learn to accommodate it? It does not need to be a disability formally recognized by law, and you do not need to formally define it.
Non-standard requirement: The indication/discussion of the disability/limitation can be in the image or given as a text blurb.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting an Edeia accepting and/or embracing a disability, whether in their previous form or current Edeia form. If the relevance to the prompt is unclear in the artwork, please be sure it is clear in the blurb.
Non-standard requirement: Provide a little blurb about the situation, whether a reflection by the character, a summary of what the situation is, dialogue, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene depicting an Edeia accepting and/or embracing a disability, whether in their previous form or current Edeia form.
I enjoyed seeing the ceramic work of humans over the years. Some were old artisans, practicing their techniques over decades. Some were dabblers, students who found some meaning in creating such things while they were not buried in their books. I did not need my idea magic or my true form to go visit and appreciate those displays of their work. Although... when 'I' became too old to visit again, and returned in a younger form, slightly altered... I wonder if those artists I visited again could recognize me at all.
— Mu
June 2023 Prompt: Secret Activities
6/1/23 - 6/30/23 11:59pm ETWhat did your Edeia do during the Age of Secrecy? Did they roam society in disguise? Did they cause trouble? Did they go to a Sanctuary? Did they leave the universe of Ideation?
You may make three submissions for this prompt, up to two for the same category. The same or different designs/Edeia can be used in each one.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork illustrating some activity your Edeia did during the Age of Secrecy.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene illustrating some activity your Edeia did during the Age of Secrecy.
At that moment, observing him at the brink of death, I descended. I called upon some strange power welling up within me, a power I did not fully understand. I asked him, "Are you satisfied dying here?" I asked him, "Would you fight against death if you could gain the strength to help others again?" He said, "Yes. Yes, if I could." And at that moment, something seemed to fall into place for me. I will help him, I thought. I will help him sacrifice all he is to better the world.
— Selva, previous form of Ascetic
May 2023 Prompt: Turning Point
5/6/23 - 6/6/23 11:59pm ETThe road to becoming an Edeia is not a simple one. There are events in their lives that shape them into who they are - turning points that are a defining moment for their identity. What is a significant moment in your Edeia's previous life?
Design Prompt:
Design your Edeia's previous form. It can be with or without the changes in appearance from their Idea magic.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork illustrating a significant moment in your Edeia's life, in their previous form. Was it a milestone in their personal journey? Was it their Actualization itself?
Options: for one character - fullbody or almost; for two characters - partial body (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more characters - halfbody (chest/equivalent up).
You can draw more of one character to draw less of another; for instance, one fullbody + one halfbody with two characters, or one partial body + one halfbody + one bust for three characters.
Fully colored and shaded.
Some background with some environment - can be blurry and/or undetailed, but it should give a sense of what kind of location they're in.
Optional: provide a little blurb about the situation, whether a reflection by the character, a summary of what the situation is, dialogue, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene illustrating a significant moment in your Edeia's life, in their previous form.
Minimum word count: 1200 words
April 2023 Prompt: A Day of an Edeia
4/1/23 - 4/30/23 11:59pm ETEdeia are often more than the concept they embody - they are individuals with their own personality and desires. What does a casual day in your Edeia's life look like? Do they simply brood and watch others in the shadows or do they mingle with mundane society in the city? Depict your Edeia having a casual day in the modern age of Ideation, slight emphasis on the urban fantasy.
Design Prompt:
When mingling with mundane society, does your Edeia take on a different form - perhaps a humanoid/hybrid form, an alternate form, or a human disguise? Do they enjoy wearing clothes, whether shapeshifted or acquired? Do they take some other appearance when having a casual day? Design a look your Edeia may have on such a day in the modern age of Ideation.
Please provide a little blurb/explanation about what situation this look would be used in.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork illustrating your Edeia having a casual day in the modern age of Ideation, slight emphasis on the urban fantasy. Perhaps they take strolls in streets and parks; perhaps they go to cafes and restaurants; perhaps they play in arcades and engage in other forms of entertainment; perhaps they volunteer as a counselor or teacher of some sort; perhaps they run some kind of event for the public. Perhaps they go incognito, blending in with society and acting just as a human would.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene illustrating your Edeia having a casual day in the modern age of Ideation, slight emphasis on the urban fantasy. See art prompt for potential ideas.
March 2023 Prompt: Mentor
3/5/23 - 4/6/23 11:59pm ETWhile some might say Edeia are independent in nature, many benefited from the guidance of another - be it another Edeia or someone or something else - in finding their potential. Many, too, offer guidance for others; some might specifically seek out ideated individuals to help them on the path to Actualization. How does mentorship fit in life of your Edeia?
Design Prompt:
Design a character that has been mentored by an Edeia on a path towards Actualization. This can be an ideated individual (that has not yet Actualized) or an existing Edeia's previous form.
Please provide a little blurb/explanation about what sort of mentorship relationship was going on, and with whom.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork illustrating a mentorship relationship involving at least one Edeia. Perhaps the mentor is teaching the mentee something; perhaps the mentee is trying something out (their abilities, or perhaps something mundane); perhaps the mentee is confiding something to the mentor.
Options: for two characters - partial body (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more characters - halfbody (chest/equivalent up).
You can draw more of one character to draw less of another; for instance, one fullbody + one halfbody with two characters, or one partial body + one halfbody + one bust for three characters.
Fully colored and shaded.
Some background with some environment - can be blurry and/or undetailed.
Optional: provide a little blurb about the situation, whether a reflection by the character, a summary of what the situation is, dialogue, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene illustrating a mentorship relationship involving at least one Edeia. Perhaps the mentor is teaching the mentee something; perhaps the mentee is trying something out (their abilities, or perhaps something mundane); perhaps the mentee is confiding something to the mentor.
Minimum word count: 1500 words
February 2023 Prompt: Bestowal
1/6/23 - 2/6/23 11:59pm ET"You ask for power, human. I am willing to grant it, for the vision you hold of your kingdom. What will you do with it, I wonder? What Rules shall you bind yourself to for the sake of the future you seek?"
"I will change our kingdom. No one has been able to - no human can change the mire we have dug ourselves into. But with your blessing, Ruler - with your divine power, I will become the sovereign. I will bring order, and with it, peace and prosperity."
— A conversation between Ruler and Idren Valiat, during which Ruler granted Idren the power to create magically binding rules for himself.
Edeia are capable of many things, limited only by their imagination - and the wills and abilities of other Edeia. Non-ideated individuals, especially mundane individuals such as humans, can be deeply affected by an Edeia's magic, whether good, bad, or anything else. Some Edeia, then, may bestow their power upon individuals receptive to it, granting them all sorts of capabilities. Has your Edeia ever granted a non-ideated individual power, or changed them significantly in some way?
Design Prompt:
Design a non-ideated character that has been granted power/capability or has been notably and visibly affected by an Edeia's power.
If necessary/desired, you can add additional images that better depict the effect of the Edeia's magic on the individual, as in the example with Sindru.
Please provide a little blurb/explanation about what sort of power was granted, or what effects the individual experiences.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting a non-ideated character that has been or will be granted power/capability by an Edeia. You could draw them receiving the power, using the power, or something similar; alternatively, you can simply make aesthetic artwork of a character with the visual effects of the granted power visible.
Options: for one character - fullbody; two characters - partial body (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more character - halfbody (chest/equivalent up).
At least one character must be your Edeia. The other character can be anyone else.
Fully colored and shaded.
Some background with some environment - can be blurry and/or undetailed.
Optional: provide a little blurb about the situation, whether a reflection by the character, a summary of what the situation is, dialogue, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your non-ideated character that has been or will be granted power/capability by an Edeia. They could be receiving the power, using the power, being affected by the power, etc.
January 2023 Prompt: Adorn
1/6/23 - 2/6/23 11:59pm ETIt is quite fun, to harvest alongside the children. We find so many things, so many things tossed away and forgotten, but we! We can find the things, and split the things between us. I help them reach what they once could not, and so they are happy, and I am happy. Hmm? Where is the child from? Tsksk... unimportant.
— Harvest
Edeia, as shapeshifters, can take any form they desire - and perhaps there are circumstances where they might enjoy shapeshifting into clothes or accessories that humans or other mundane beings can wear.
Design Prompt:
Create an a design of your Edeia shapeshifted into clothing.
They can be a full outfit (such as the example with Simulacra), any article of clothing (shirt, pants, jacket, etc.), an accessory (gloves, hat, earring(s), etc.), and so on.
You can make them ranging from mostly mundane in appearance, being able to pass as normal (if perhaps unusual) clothing, to obviously magical (floating parts, glowing bits, etc.).
The subject wearing the Edeia as clothing must be fullbody with no cropping. It can be a mannequin (blank character shape without characteristics), an existing character, or a random/new character. The mannequin/character can be human/oid, animal, Edeia, or other species. It would be preferred for the subject to be human/oid but it is not a requirement.
You can design other parts of the outfit/character other than the Edeia, but please indicate what item the shapeshifted Edeia is, either on the image or as a blurb/description.
If the Edeia is shapeshifted into a relatively small part of the outfit and you are not designing a whole outfit for the subject, please provide a close-up/detail depiction of the item.
Shading is not required, but recommended to indicate certain textures (such as metal, crystal, satin, etc.). You could also simply describe the item in text.
Optional: provide a little blurb about the item the Edeia is shapeshifted into, story context, and/or what situation(s) they might have shapeshifted into this form in, etc.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting your Edeia shapeshifted into clothing.
The subject must be a character with a full outfit; please indicate what part(s) of the outfit the Edeia is in the message of your submission. The character can be human/oid, animal, Edeia, or other species. It would be preferred for the subject to be human/oid but it is not a requirement.
For the following options, each "character" counts if it is a subject wearing an Edeia shapeshifted as clothing. Options: for one character - fullbody or almost; two characters - partial body (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more characters - half bodies (chest/equivalent up).
Fully colored and shaded.
Some background with some environment - can be blurry and/or undetailed.
Optional: provide a little blurb about the situation, whether a reflection by the character (as in the example with Harvest), a summary of what the situation is, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your Edeia being shapeshifted clothing. Is it a method of mundane disguise? Is it for some purpose, is there some reason for it? Is it for fun? Is it just the one time, or a regular thing?
December 2022 Prompt: Warmth
12/3/22 - 1/3/23 11:59pm ETA flame. It offers warmth, in time of cold... yet it is so transient, bursting to life and ceasing all at once. So it begins. So it ends.
It need not end yet. Let us hold it here, in our hands, in our hearts, and bask in the moment it lasts. It must end. Then... let us make another and start anew.
In winter, many seek warmth - in both a literal and metaphorical sense. What warmth do you seek?
You may make three submissions for this prompt, a maximum of two for a single type. The same or different designs/Edeia can be used in different types, but for the same type you must use a different one.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork depicting your Edeia seeking or engaging in something involving physical and/or metaphorical warmth. Perhaps they seek flame - a campfire, fireplace, some manifestation, etc. Perhaps they wrap themselves in cozy things - blankets, warm clothes, plushies, pillows, etc. Perhaps they seek companionship - friends, family, the dearly beloved in one way or another.
Non-Standard Background Requirement: Some background, but does not need an environment - just not transparent or entirely flat.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your Edeia seeking or engaging in something involving physical and/or metaphorical warmth, as detailed in the art prompt.
November 2022 Prompt: Dragons
11/5/22 - 12/5/22 11:59pm ETDragons are known across many cultures in many forms and many roles. Now, what if an Edeia took the form of a dragon?
Design Prompt:
Design a "dragon form" for your Edeia. There are many different kinds of dragons, though you can consider qualifying forms to fall in the "inner circle" of this image, though you're welcome to add as many limbs as you want, combine elements, be creative, etc. as long as they still look like a "dragon." If your Edeia already has a draconic form, you could try making them a different type of dragon for this prompt.
This form can generally be counted as an "other form," but if you want to make it a true alternate form, feel free to make note of that and I can update the ML.
Art Prompt:
You have two options.
1. Create artwork of your Edeia in their dragon form .
Around 50% or more of the character should be visible; at least, it should clearly represent the character and capture important elements.
Fully colored and shaded
Full color background, but can be abstract/blurred
2. Create artwork of your Edeia with their "hoard" or with the type of thing their hoard involves (such as if they are collecting), whatever it may be. A "hoard" is some collection of things precious to them, or that they enjoy in some sense. The hoard can be objects and, though it can be a little questionable in some circumstances depending on the nature of the "hoarding," living things and/or sentient individuals. It could even be something abstrast - as long as it is valuable to the Edeia and can be collected/hoarded.
The Edeia can be in dragon form or their regular form.
The Edeia should be approximately halfbody or more.
Fully colored, with either shading or some sort of effect/texture (so long as it is not simply flat).
No background required
Optional: provide a little blurb about the "hoard," whether a reflection by the character, an explanation, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your Edeia in their dragon form or something related to their "hoard" - admiring, showing someone, collecting something new, etc.
October 2022 Prompt: Monstrous
10/8/22 - 11/8/22 11:59pm ETTo those unfamiliar with them, Edeia can be terrifying beings. Some might choose to make themselves even more so.
Design Prompt:
Design a "monstrous form" for your Edeia. This can range to partial shapeshifting, a distortion of their form, an entirely shapeshifted form, etc. Generally, "monstrous" characteristics might include more teeth and claws, more eyes, eldritch elements, more limbs, etc. but I am sure there is more than I can think of. If your Edeia already has a "monstrous form," by default, feel free to go even further.
This form can generally be counted as an "other form," but if you want to make it a true alternate form, feel free to make note of that as well.
Please spoiler your submission if there are horror/phobia/discomfiting elements with a warning of what you are spoiling for. I may request assistance of mods for approval if there is something I'm particularly uncomfortable with, but I don't wish to restrict submissions too much.
Must be fullbody with no cropping
No background required, but you can add something if you like.
Art Prompt:
You have two options.
1. Create artwork of your Edeia in their shapeshifted monstrous form, as described in the design prompt.
Around 60% or more of the character should be visible; at least, it should clearly represent the character and capture important elements.
Fully colored and shaded
Full color background, but can be abstract/blurred
2. Create artwork of your Edeia (or multiple) scaring an individual, whether on purpose or not.
Options: two characters - halfbodies (chest/equivalent up); three or more - head/bust.
At least one character must be your Edeia. The other character can be anyone else.
Fully colored, with either shading or some sort of effect/texture (so long as it is not simply flat).
Full color background with some sort of environment, but does not have to be detailed.
Optional: provide a little blurb about the situation, whether a reflection by the character, a summary of what happens, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your Edeia scaring an individual, whether on purpose or not, or a circumstance in which they shifted into a monstrous form. Some Edeia may celebrate Halloween in this way, to note.
Minimum word count: 1500 words
September 2022 Prompt: Disguise
9/5/22 - 10/5/22 11:59pm ETThe form of a cat was particularly useful to me. No one bats an eye for a curious cat wandering a little too close to a crime scene, after all. It was all too easy to watch the humans try to figure things out on their own. It was all to easy to see what they were missing, and give a little spark of insight to help them to figure it out.
— Eilah
Edeia are master shapeshifters, capable of taking the form of their previous form, an animal, an object, etc. Did any of your Edeia shapeshift into a mundane form to blend into society during the Age of Secrecy, whether regularly or in a particular circumstance?
Design Prompt:
Design a shapeshifted mundane disguise for your Edeia. It can be a human, animal, object, plant, etc.; any mundane creature or object. Many "disguises" are simply the Edeia's previous form, and you can design that as well.
Must be fullbody with no cropping
No background required, but you can add something if you like.
Also, they must be "decent," i.e. wearing clothes or something if they have parts to cover. If parts do not show normally and/or they are as decent as any other of their species would be, that is fine.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork of your Edeia in their shapeshifted disguise, perhaps in a situation in which they would use that disguise.
Options: for one character - fullbody or almost, allowing for artistic cropping; two characters - partial bodies (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more - halfbodies (chest/equivalent up).
At least one character must be your Edeia. The other character can be anyone else, and can even be an abstract representation of an individual, as in the example with Eilah.
Fully colored. Shading not required.
Full color background with some sort of environment, but does not have to be detailed.
Optional: provide a little blurb about the situation, whether a reflection by the character (as in the example with Eilah), a summary of what happens typically or describing a particular day/event, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your Edeia using their mundane disguise to blend in or hide or such during the Age of Secrecy.
Minimum word count: 1500 words
August 2022 Prompt: Memory
8/13/22 - 9/13/22 11:59pm ETI had a dream last night. I knew it was a dream from the start - that was the first strange thing. And then... I realized everything was so vivid. So real. But it couldn't be, because I was in the past. The last day I saw them.
I don't know if this was a blessing or a curse, because I knew I couldn't save them - not in reality, at least, for they were long gone. But... here, in the dream. Here, I had my power, and my experiences... I had the whole life I'd lived past that day, and I managed to convince them to spend a day with me instead. It was nice. It was a nice dream.
Throughout the month, Edeia who sleep or otherwise enter a state of lower consciousness have been experiencing vivid, lucid dreams of the past - particularly, days of great importance to them personally.
Design Prompt:
Design your Edeia's previous form.
Must be fullbody with no cropping
No background required, but you can add something if you like.
Also, they must be "decent," i.e. wearing clothes or something if they have parts to cover. If parts do not show normally and/or they are as decent as any other of their species would be, that is fine.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork of your Edeia in the dream of their past. It can be realistic, surreal, anything in between. Your Edeia will be an "Edeia" in the dream, with the full range of their capabilities, though they can present as their humanoid/hybrid form, past form, or previous form.
Options: for one character - partial bodies (thighs/equivalent or more); two or more characters - halfbodies (chest/equivalent up).
At least one character must be your Edeia. The other character can be anyone else, and can even be an abstract representation of an individual, as in the example with Val.
Fully colored, with either shading or some sort of effect/texture (so long as it is not simply flat).
Full color background but can be simple / blurred / not very detailed
Optional: provide a little blurb about the dream, whether a reflection by the character (as in the example with Val), a summary of what happens in the dream, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your Edeia experiencing the dream of their past. In all cases, they are aware that it is a dream, and they can access their Edeia abilities in the dream. Do they do everything exactly the same? Do they try to change things? Do they find the experience a positive or cathartic one? A distressing one? You can also write about them waking up from it and/or reflecting on it, as well as moments leading up to the dream, such as hearing about other Edeia experiencing it.
Minimum word count: 1500 words
July 2022 Prompt: For Another
7/10/22 - 8/10/22 11:59pm ETIn the spirit of Art Fight this month, I thought I'd make a prompt where you draw others' Edeia! However, please note that using a piece for both this prompt and Art Fight goes against the spirit of Art Fight, and is not permitted.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork of someone else's Edeia!
Options: for one character - partial bodies (thighs/equivalent or more); two characters - halfbodies (chest/equivalent up); three or more - head/bust.
Fully colored. Shading not required.
Full color background but can be simple / blurred / not very detailed
Writing Prompt:
Create writing involving someone else's Edeia!
June 2022 Prompt: Pride
6/2/22 - 7/1/22 11:59pm ETIt's that time of year again - Pride Month! Celebrate your identity, or explore what it could be.
For prompts involving Morph, I may not have energy to discuss detailed interactions with everyone, so mentions and artwork may be preferred to detailed dialogic interactions. You must ask first for detailed interactions, and I may not accept all of them. If you have any questions on how they would act, feel free to ask in the #character-lore-and-ideas or #questions-suggestions-feedback channel.
Art Prompt:
You have two options.
1. Pride art of your Edeia! Draw your Edeia with LGBTQIA+ paraphernalia (flags, scarves, etc.), shifted pride colors, doing magic with flag colors, or anything else you can think of to celebrate.
Options: for one character - fullbody or almost, allowing for artistic cropping; two characters - partial bodies (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more - halfbodies (chest/equivalent up).
Fully colored and shaded
Full color background but can be simple / blurred / not very detailed
2. Draw your character meeting with Morph, Edeia of Gender Euphoria. Please refer to their Interaction Guidelines.
Option 1 minimum: fullbody or almost for both, fully colored (no shading needed), full color background with suggestion of some environment (forest? city? Abstraction?) but can be simple / blurred / not very detailed.
Option 2 minimum: halfbody for both, fully colored and shaded, full color background with some environment.
Writing Prompt:
You have two options.
1. Write a scene involving your Edeia, Edeia previous form, fusion, or fission fragment(s) discovering or exploring some aspect of their gender identity, romantic orientation, sexual orientation, etc.
2. Write a scene involving Morph, whether directly or indirectly. Please refer to their Interaction Guidelines. Some ideas for indirect interactions, which require minimal input from me: you can have a character reflecting on an encounter with Morph or xyr butterflies or living through their experiences after a magical transition, you may discuss a desire to participate in a Pride Morph or their experience of it, you can have your character observing a Pride Morph as an Edeia and not participate, etc. If you want a direct interaction with dialogue, please ask me first; I may not accept all cases and may be more willing if they only have a few lines.
For either option:
Minimum word count: 1200 words
The preferred method of submission is a Google Doc. If you wish, you can turn on comment permissions on the submission doc to allow general critique from Auspice/mods on your writing. General audience should not comment in the doc itself.
You may wait until after feedback to post to social media/Toyhouse if you like, but additional prompt fills by you will not be approved until a previous one is posted.
If you collaborate on the writing, the minimum word count is 2200 words and will count for both of you.
May 2022 Prompt: Unity
5/1/22 - 5/31/22 11:59pm ETThe identity of an Edeia is the core of its being, yet from the very beginning, they could join with another to become a part of a new being.
You may make four submissions for this prompt, one design, one artwork, one writing, and an additional design or artwork with a fusion involving another owner's Edeia. The same or different designs/Edeia can be used for different types.
If you do not own any Edeia, you can use any Edeia owned by someone else with permission for all prompts, but you may only submit one of each.
Design Prompt:
Design a fusion. If it is between your own characters, at least one component must be an Edeia. For a fusion with another owner, it must involve Edeia from both of you.
Must be fullbody, clean, with no cropping
No background required, but you can add something if you like.
Please include their name, pronouns, and components.
An approved design will also be added to the fusion ML. You can provide a TH profile/tab link if you like.
If you are collaborating on the design, it will count for both of you, but you must complete additional requirements:
You must complete a conceptualization for the fusion, though no fields are optional. Note that you will not receive the additional artwork that is normally given - though I do something similar as a gift later if I am inspired and have the energy for it.
Age does not have to be exact, but please provide some sense of how long ago the fusion first came to be.
Height does not have to be exact and can be variable, but please provide something to get a sense at least. You can also put them on the Edeia Height Chart.
Refer to this for Abstraction info.
If you have a TH tab/profile for the fusion, please put the info in it. You can change it later, of course.
Art Prompt:
You have two options.
1. Draw artwork of a fusion illustrating some of their character - doing something they like, being somewhere they like, etc. The minimum requirements are as follows, though you are welcome to do more:
Options: for one character - fullbody or almost, allowing for artistic cropping; two characters - partial bodies (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more - halfbodies (chest/equivalent up). Only one must be a fusion.
Fully colored and shaded
Full color background with some sort of environment; does not need to be detailed or a full scene
2. Make an animation of your Edeia fusing. Minimum requirements:
colored, but can be rough
must have a fullbody representation of the involved Edeia and of the final fusion.
does not need to be high frame-rate, but the flow and movement should be clear.
You can also make an animation of fission and/or reintegration (re-fusing of fission parts).
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your Edeia fusion. Perhaps they fuse for the first time, or perhaps they do some activity they usually do. Perhaps they fuse and unfuse and then discuss the experience with others. You may also write about fission fragments, so long as the fragments themselves are focused on.
Minimum word count: 1000 words
If you wish, you can turn on comment permissions on the submission doc to allow general critique from Auspice/mods on your writing. General audience should not comment in the doc itself.
If you collaborate on the writing, the minimum word count is 2000 words and will count for both of you.
April 2022 Prompt: Spring
4/1/22 - 4/30/22 11:59pm ETThe bite of the cold fades away, making way for a warmer season.
You may make two submissions for this prompt, one artwork and one writing. The same or different designs/Edeia can be used.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork of your Edeia with something related to spring. Perhaps they are enjoying the blooming flowers, the gentle showers, the warmer weather, the renewal of life; perhaps it could be something else. Main, alternate, and humanoid/hybrid forms may be used.
The minimum requirements are as follows, though you are welcome to do more:
Options: for one character - fullbody or almost, allowing for artistic cropping; two characters - partial bodies (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more - halfbodies (chest/equivalent up).
Fully colored and shaded
Full color background with some sort of environment; does not need to be detailed or a full scene
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your Edeia with something related to spring. This can be before or Actualization, and involve any form they take.
Minimum word count: 1500 words
If you wish, you can turn on comment permissions on the submission doc to allow general critique from Auspice/mods on your writing. General audience should not comment in the doc itself.
March 2022 Prompt: Shapeshifters
3/1/22 - 3/31/22 11:59pm ETEdeia are capable of taking many forms. Does yours?
Design Prompt:
Design a hybrid/humanoid form or an alternate form.
Must be fullbody with no cropping
No background required, but you can add something if you like.
Also, they must be "decent," i.e. wearing clothes or something if they have parts to cover. If parts do not show normally and/or they are as decent as any other of their species would be, that is fine.
Art Prompt:
Create artwork of your Edeia shapeshifting from one form to another. Minimum requirements:
Some representation of the main Edeia form and a different form, but may be abstract/surreal
Full color, and minimal shading and/or effects (i.e. glows and such. So long as it isn't just flat colors.)
Full color background (a scene is not necessary, but at least something more interesting than a flat color background would be good)
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your Edeia making use of their shapeshifting abilities for a particular purpose. Perhaps they take a human disguise to blend in in the age of secrecy, or they become enraged and take on a more terrifying form.
Minimum word count: 1500 words
If you wish, you can turn on comment permissions on the submission doc to allow general critique from Auspice/mods on your writing. General audience should not comment in the doc itself.
February 2022 Prompt: Connections
2/1/22 - 2/28/22 11:59pm ETA particular type of relationship is often celebrated this month, but it is not the only meaningful connection we can have.
Art Prompt:
Draw artwork involving/illustrating a meaningful and overall positive relationship involving at least one of your Edeia. The other character does not need to be an Edeia, and does not need to be yours. Perhaps it is a gesture in their language of love (words of affirmation, acts of service, touch, quality time, gifts) or something else. You may use humanoid, alternate, and other temporary forms of your Edeia.
The minimum requirements are as follows, though you are welcome to do more:
Options: for one character - fullbody or almost, allowing for artistic cropping; two characters - partial bodies (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more - halfbodies (chest/equivalent up).
Fully colored and shaded
Full color background with some sort of environment; does not need to be detailed or a full scene
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving/illustrating a meaningful and overall positive relationship involving at least one of your Edeia, before or after Actualization. The other character does not need to be an Edeia and does not need to be yours.
January 2022 Prompt: New Beginnings
1/1/22 - 1/31/22 11:59pm ETThe world turns, and time marches on. Yet it is also the start of something new, something unknown. A new beginning.
Design Prompt:
Design your Edeia's previous form. Most Edeia were once human, but they may be animals or fantastical creatures. If they are a fantastical creature that would not be found in mundane Earth, note that they must originate from a different dimension.
Art Prompt:
Draw artwork of your Edeia doing or experiencing something for the first time, or something related to "new beginnings." For instance, they could be experiencing the first day after Actualization, they could be experiencing the first day of the new year, they could be using magic for the first time, they could be trying on new clothes or eating something, etc. There is much freedom with this prompt. You may use their main form, alternate form, humanoid/hybrid form, or previous form.
The minimum requirements are as follows, though you are welcome to do more:
Options: for one character - fullbody or almost, allowing for artistic cropping; two characters - partial bodies (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more - halfbodies (chest/equivalent up).
Fully colored and shaded
Full color background with some sort of environment; does not need to be detailed or a full scene
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your Edeia doing or experiencing something for the first time, or something related to "new beginnings." Same spiel as the art prompt, though you can use/involve the previous form as well.
December 2021 Prompt: Days of Winter
12/3/21 - 1/3/22 11:59pm ETThe colder winds are settling in... winter has come, and with it, the holidays.
Design Prompt:
Design a winter outfit or winter form for your Edeia. You may use their original, alternate, humanoid/equivalent, or previous form. It can be a shapeshifted "outfit" or something worn physically, or perhaps something like a winter fur coat.
The winter outfit/form can be used outside of the context of the prompt freely as well.
Art Prompt:
Draw artwork of your Edeia in a situation related to winter or any winter holiday of your choosing, or in a wintry setting. They can be in their original, alternate, humanoid/equivalent, or previous form. You may also use a "winter outfit" design for them.
The minimum requirements are as follows, though you are welcome to do more:
Options: for one character - fullbody or almost, allowing for artistic cropping; two characters - partial bodies (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more - halfbodies (chest/equivalent up).
Fully colored and shaded
Full color background with some sort of environment; does not need to be detailed or a full scene
Some suggestions: playing in the snow, putting up holiday lights, curling up by a fireplace to stay warm, ice skating, etc.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving your Edeia in a situation related to winter or any winter holiday of your choosing.
November 2021 Prompt: Cat Days
11/5/21 - 12/5/21 11:59pm ETIt is time for the Cat Edeia!
Design Prompt:
Design a cat form for your Edeia. While all the cat Edeia I have designed generally have a similar style and body type, you are free to draw them with a different style/level of realism, and/or as a different kind of feline.
Must be fullbody with no cropping
The cat form must resemble the Edeia's form and use the same color palette.
No shading required, but you may if you wish
No background required, but you can add something if you like.
Art Prompt:
Draw artwork of cat Edeia. In all cases:
Fullbody or almost
For one cat Edeia:
Fully colored and shaded
Full color background with a clear setting
Scenery can be somewhat blurred/undetailed, but it should be clear what the setting is - whether a forest, a meadow, a library, an Abstraction, etc.
For two cat Edeia:
Fully colored, at least minimal shading
Full color background with some sort of environment; does not need to be detailed or a full scene
For three cat Edeia or more:
Fully colored, at least minimal shading
Full color background; can be abstract, blurry, or otherwise simple.
Writing Prompt:
Write a scene involving at least one Edeia shapeshifted into a cat for whatever reason - be it for fun, for a dare, for any other reason.
Minimum word count: 1000 words
October 2021 Prompt: Spooky Season
10/1/21 - 10/31/21 11:59pm ETThis prompt is all about the spooky times for the spooky season!
Design Prompt:
This is artwork of a "Halloween costume" for your Edeia. It can be in their regular, alternate, or humanoid form, and it can be a shapeshifted outfit or something physical that they put on. They can dress up as anything you like, so long at it is not offensive or suggestive/NSFW. If there are horror themes, please keep them mild and spoiler and/or add a warning with what the horror themes are.
Art Prompt:
Draw "spooky" art of your Edeia! You may interpret this as aesthetically spooky or thematically spooky, and this can range in intensity from lighthearted spoopiness to something with eerie or horror vibes. However, please avoid heavy gore and intense horror; notes on what is allowed is below. You can also interpret this as your Edeia doing something related to the Halloween season, including making decorations, trick-or-treating, etc. You can also simply make this as artwork of your Edeia in their "costume."
You have complete artistic freedom with how much of your Edeia you want to draw. However, they must be recognizable, drawn in either their regular, alternate, or humanoid form. For pieces that only show a small part of an Edeia (focusing on just the face or even just the eyes, for instance), I expect more effort to be done in shading, rendering, and/or effects, and for it to be particularly impactful artistically.
That said, you can't go wrong with some classic guidelines (if you follow these, there are no greater expectations for effort): for one character - fullbody or almost, allowing for artistic cropping; two characters - partial bodies (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more - halfbodies (chest/equivalent up).
Fully colored and shaded
The background cannot be plainly solid, but can be something abstract or blurry. You are free to draw a scene if you want, of course.
Writing Prompt:
You have two options! However, you may only do one of the two.
Option 1 - Spooky Festivities: Write your Edeia engaging in some festivities of the season! This can be before or after their Actualization. Perhaps they are going out on Halloween, or perhaps they have their own Halloween tradition(s). Perhaps they have their fun in the Age of Secrecy, spooking poor humans in spirit (heh) of the season.
Option 2 - Scare: Write a scenario in which your Edeia was scared or they scared another. This can be a lighthearted scare, or something more profound, something angsty, something dangerous. Perhaps it was an important event in their life, or just a random event some day. You may write about your character before or after Actualization.
September 2021 Prompt: Formal Dress
9/3/21 - 10/3/21 11:59pm ETThis prompt is all about putting your Edeia in fancy outfits!
Design Requirements:
This is artwork of the formal outfit design, focusing on conveying the information of the design.
The formal outfit can be of any culture and any occasion, so long as it is considered "formal dress."
Art Requirements:
This is an actual artwork of your Edeia in formal dress, focusing on presentation of the artwork rather than information.
Options: for one character - fullbody or almost, allowing for artistic cropping; two characters - partial bodies (thighs/equivalent or more); three or more - halfbodies (chest/equivalent up). These are minimum requirements and you are welcome to do more.
Fully colored and shaded
Full color background and lighting; can be atmospheric and blurry/undetailed, could also be a full scene.
Writing Requirements:
Write an occasion of your Edeia in formal dress! This can be when they are an Edeia, having shapeshifted into having formal wear, or perhaps their previous form when they are actually dressed as such.
Minimum word count: 1500 words
August 2021 Prompt: Actualization
8/1/21 - 8/31/21 11:59pm PTDraw/write the moment of Actualization for an Edeia. You may use others' Edeia with permission from the owner.
You may make two submissions for this prompt, one art and one writing. The art and writing can be for the same scene, and that will count as the two prompts.
Art Requirements:
You must have a piece representing the moment of an Edeia's Actualization with:
Some representation of the Edeia form and the previous form, but may be abstract/surreal
Full color, and minimal shading and/or effects (i.e. glows and such. So long as it isn't just flat colors.)
Full color background
A scene is not necessary, but at least something more interesting than a flat color background would be good.
Writing Requirements:
The writing can include as much of the before, during, and after of the Actualization that you want, but it must include the actual moment of Actualization. For consideration - what was the moment where their identity truly aligned with their Idea? Was it a gradual or rapid thing, something calm, or something full of twists and turns? I also highly recommend reading the lore guide on Actualization.
July 2021 Prompt: Meetings
7/1/21 - 7/31/21 11:59pm PTOur first general prompt! Draw/write the first meeting between two Edeia (or their previous forms) - perhaps between two of yours, yours and one other's, or others' Edeia entirely. Please make sure to ask the owner's permission to use them in a prompt. You can also use more than two characters if you wish.
You may make two submissions for this prompt, one art and one writing. The art and writing can be for the same scene, and that will count as the two prompts.
Art Requirements:
At least two Edeia or their previous forms with at least half body (waist or equivalent up)
Fully colored, shading optional
Full color background with a clear setting
Scenery can be somewhat blurred/undetailed, but it should be clear what the setting is - whether a forest, a meadow, a library, an Abstraction, etc.
Writing Requirements:
2000 words
June 2021 Prompt: Pride
6/9/21 - 6/30/21 11:59pm PTYou have two options for this prompt, and you may complete one of each for a total of two submissions for this prompt. You may fulfill the prompt with/involving another person's character with permission, as well.
The first option is Pride art of your Edeia! Draw your Edeia with LGBTQIA+ paraphernalia or doing magic with flag colors or anything else you can think of to celebrate.
Minimum Requirements:
One Edeia fullbody (or almost) OR at least one Edeia and any other character of any species with at least halfbody
Fully colored, shading optional
Full color background, but can be simple / blurred / not very detailed
The second option is writing - write something about how your Edeia discovers or explores some aspect of their gender identity, romantic/sexual orientation, etc.
Minimum Requirements:
1500 words
Explores some aspect of LGBTQIA+ identity for at least one Edeia.
May 2021 Prompt: Mermay
5/20/21 - 6/20/21 5pm PTDraw your Edeia as a mer creature, i.e. a cross between an aquatic creature and their original (or alternate) form. The aquatic features do not need to represent a real animal, but can be inspired by any aquatic animal.
Note: as Edeia can shapeshift, this can be a form they choose to take at any point, or you can just draw it for fun.
Design Requirements:
Design your Edeia as a mer creature, i.e. a cross between an aquatic creature and their original (or alternate) form. The aquatic features do not need to represent a real animal, but can be inspired by any aquatic animal.
Art Requirements:
Create an art piece of your Edeia as a mer creature, i.e. a cross between an aquatic creature and their original (or alternate) form. The aquatic features do not need to represent a real animal, but can be inspired by any aquatic animal.
Writing Requirements:
Write a scene or narrative synopsis involving your Edeia being shapeshifted into their mer form.